@provokeradio Yeah, it's not clear whether they had to go past the dashed line before starting work. If it's the solid line, then he was smart to do it.
@jonjones229 If what Medeiros did there at the end is legit, and I am not saying it's not, then I don't know why others haven't done it. Just get across the mark, do the work, and run the last few steps. Smart, smart move by him.
@tennesseegirl1993 It'd be great to see her win. She's been so impressive since her rookie season. I hope she does great and I'd be way happy for her if she wins it all.
@jonjones229 The fact that Colten Mertens could do that workout so well is remarkable. The last log was taller than him. And he chucked a 200lb bag over it before vaulting over it. The dude is a king. Massive respect.
@endtimeservant777 I'm waiting for someone to declare that the Flying Spaghetti Monster has touched them with its noodly appendage and told them to step away from Crossfit to focus on making pasta to feed poor people.
@mikelore Strategy and tactics for winning the event. The fact that she built her lead to the point where she can implement her strategy and tactics means she's given the right amount of effort in my mind.
@thomasgreentiller She doesn't look well, almost like she was in serious pain. Not just the pain of "this workout sucks" but something else. I hope she's okay.