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  1. J

    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @jck64 Wider grip, really push your chest forward as you pull. Do singles if need be! Start behind the bar, jump into a hollow, then arch, then pull. Drop off, turn around, do another. Edit: Erasing errant "a"
  2. J

    For Olympic lifts, do those who lift impressive numbers ever get impressed by people who lift substantiallyrics less?

    @harrantion I love seeing people with good technique on Olylifts even if the weight is lower.
  3. J

    CrossFit, LLC price hike - What if?

    @caze If you expect your athlete's scores to count...
  4. J

    CrossFit, LLC price hike - What if?

    @grace4nan Because I like to contribute to my gym's community by volunteering to judge.
  5. J

    CrossFit, LLC price hike - What if?

    @grace4nan Increasing the Open fee is a quick way for me to not do the Open. Honestly, I pay my $20 and $10 for the Judges course every year but I see very little value for me, individually to do the Open. So any increase is likely to mean me (and others) not participating without reason - bump...