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    Body exercises for the obese?

    @nickale Walking. Air squats. Wall pushups and door knob or tree rows
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    Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart

    @jellybug78 Are back levers really a Pulling Exercise? Pulling exercises are usually upper-back and bicep, dominated. Back levers seem more like a chest dominated exercise with a bicep static hold.
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    Can’t wake up after a hard workout

    @robg If you have to wake at 5AM, you should wake at the same time 7 days a week and take a nap on your off days if you are tired. Waking up at 5AM M-F and then sleeping until 9AM on Sat and Sun or whatever messes up your circadian rhythm. I've had periods where woke early and exercised...
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @ghm Longer limbs are a disadvantage lifting weights or in static holds. Longer limbs in sport is a generally a big advantage. Longer arms mean you can apply force over a longer distance. You can apply more leverage in body contact as well. In Olympic weightlifting, longer limbs can improve...
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    1,000 Pull-ups In 1 Day For Charity

    @pray_daily They would probably get Medial Epicondylitis.
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    How is it possible for a red-blooded human being to hold a plank for 8 HOURS?? Please enlighten me..

    @sarangapani Dated a D1 5k specialist. She ran 100 - 120 mile weeks year round.
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    If there was an equivalent of the “Dead Hang” but for your hips instead of shoulders, what would it be?

    @balabob Yoga. Baby Pose, you could also put feet the wall. Child pose as well. Just hang out in those poses for a few minutes and focus on your breath.
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    My transformation/progress (30/M/170cm/69kg) from calisthenics (x-post from /r/fitness/)

    @riverrose It's amazing how much faster a small stature person feels out. Great work.
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    6 Months update

    @bearring Skating bowls is really good cardio. My HR monitor showed avg BPM 155 peaking at 185. I'm dropping in about every 3 minutes. I skate 45 min to 90 min. I resistance train 2 or 3 times a week.
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    Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

    @marimur Walk + add 2 reps of 20 meter sprints. Every 2 weeks add another set. Don't go to hard if you used to be an athlete, Your tendons are deconditioned and you'll injure yourself.
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    One Year Transformation

    @thefearofgod Not wearing a ring prevents
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    Is it possible for someone in my circumstances to get a pull-up bar...?

    @kaylen500 Have you looked around your apartment complex? You can usually find something to do pullups from. I've done them from hanging from a open stair. Use a piece of webbing if you want to make it easier.
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @a8alphamale Full Range HSPU translates to about 96% of bodyweight so probably.
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @a8alphamale A 250lb bench is orders of magnitude easier than a 225lb(100kg) overhead press. Most people than can bench 315lb can't come close to OHP 225.
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    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    @noturavgguy You might want to invest in some heavy elastic bands. You could still do tricep presses, legs and core. Sprints are a good overall muscle builder. I think swimming might slow down healing of a shoulder injury
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @kc8vji So you think that someone that only trains overhead press for sets of 30 reps with 60kg can execute a 100kg overhead press?
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @kc8vji Your argument assumes people here are only training for aesthetics. Training high reps only will not build the absolute strength to execute the harder skills. If you want to get really strong you need to train lower reps. Look at the Jr Olympic Training routines.
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    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    @noturavgguy It would be helpful if you said what tendon was injured.
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    Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

    @godbmyguide Is OP getting stronger? If he's not getting stronger he's definitely doing something wrong. Lots of people go to the gym but lift the same weights everytime. Add more weight or do more reps. Progressive Overload is the main pillar for building muscle.