Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

@marimur Time for a pull day:
1. Supermans
2. Back widows (assuming you don’t have row bars or pull-up rings)
3. Stiff leg deadlifts with no weight but go deep (make it single leg if double leg is to easy)

Take other’s advice on this thread and just do a few sets and not to complete failure.
@marimur I know you said you’re looking for calisthenic exercises but if you’re willing, spend some money on a set of kettle bells and you won’t regret it.
@marimur I would do nothing for a couple days until you recover. Then when you start up again, don't perform the same movement for five minutes straight. Clearly it overuses particular muscles and leads to pain. Just do a variety of simple things, each for a short period like one or two sets of ten repetitions. Squats (not very deep), weighted hip thrusts, lying leg raises, clamshell with mini-band, stepping up and down, sideways walk with mini-band, weighted kickbacks, weighted arm lifts, plank/pushups against a raised item like a counter height or bed height. If you have resistance bands with a door anchor, you can do various push or pull exercises for your upper body.
@marimur Glute bridges or go for a walk. Check out the Mark Lauren app nine minute workouts to see if they might be good for you longer term.
@marimur Walk + add 2 reps of 20 meter sprints.

Every 2 weeks add another set.

Don't go to hard if you used to be an athlete, Your tendons are deconditioned and you'll injure yourself.
@marimur Do leg blasters - one of my favorite leg workouts. You can do them anywhere, they are amazing for athletes and skiers, and will destroy your legs in like 5 minutes or less.

10x Air Squat (just normal bodyweight squat)

10x Lunge - Alternating sides

10x Jump Lunge - Alternating side

10x - Jump Squat (jump high, squat deep)

Do all of this with no breaks, at a decent pace.

Rest 60sec and then do another one. (you will probably barely finish one set the first time)

Work your way up to 3 full sets. You can also work your way up to increasing the number of reps in each workout as well.
@marimur Frfrfr take a break. The rules of ANY kinds of gains come AFTER broken down muscles, yes, but when your body is telling you it's physically exhausted, it's time to focus more on nutrition, cardio, and low intensity stretches.

I fractured my feet proving to myself that I could mind over matter my fitness goals. Guess what? You can't.

Sounds woo woo, but DO YOGA and go for a walk. If you NEED physical activity obsessively grab a forearm flexer and squeeze it while doing yoga. The more time you focus into connecting your mind to your body the less recovery time you'll need...BUT YOU'LL STILL NEED IT!
@marimur You're not supposed to feel sore after your workouts. Go for a walk, take a few days off going full speed and then come back doing about half of what you did to make yourself sore. Add a few reps each week.
@marimur Look up yin yoga. Just stretching will do wonders for your physique and it will help your sore muscles feel better. Flexibility is very important. Thats why people break a hip at 50. Because they are so rigid they lose balance and fall weirdly.
@marimur During covid really got into rowing. It works your whole body but a lot on your legs and back. It's a great total body workout in one activity, I can't speak highly enough of it. I've been without my beloved rowing machine for a month now going on 2 more because of a house reno project. Since then someone recommend kettlebells and have really been loving it. I started with one 35 pound kettlebell but that is more than enough to start with. Doing Kettlebell swing and goblet squats are great. I didn't think such a lightweight could work you that much but it does. There are so many exercises you can do without having to buy a entire set of dumbbells or barbells. I'm going to add some heavier and one a little lighter to get the form down on some over head stuff. Keep going, there is so much out there to discover that's fun and helps work you out.
@marimur Terry crews said something I found helpful. If you need a day off or aren't feeling it that day keep the habit. Go to where you work out and relax. Read a book, check your phone whatever. Sounds like you need rest. Take rest but don't where you workout so you don't worry you're gonna break your habit.
@marimur Hey friend get on the balls of your feet and palms of you hands. Then get paper bags and slide around forward and backward and even side to side. Have fun. Then repeat