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    Thoughts on Geoffrey Verity Schofield's Rings Training E-book?

    @bubbles0023 Body by rings is structured more as a program right?
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    Thoughts on Geoffrey Verity Schofield's Rings Training E-book?

    @mommajulesberry Right on man! Yeah I think you're right on the hidden solution for most folks. They're so affordable, I guess they just seem inaccessible at first because most people just see the fancy moves. But the variety of movements you can do is limitless. I think that they can be used to...
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    Thoughts on Geoffrey Verity Schofield's Rings Training E-book?

    @darkish Yeah I find pelican curls are a tough movement to crack. Needs a lot of toying with to find the right angle. That's what I like about the staggered foot stance GVS recommends, it allows you to do the movement in a similar way to the feet together variation, with the forward foot...
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    Thoughts on Geoffrey Verity Schofield's Rings Training E-book?

    @darkish What's your opinion on Body by Rings? It seems like a good program for an intermediate trainee without much ring experience.
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    Thoughts on Geoffrey Verity Schofield's Rings Training E-book?

    Curious on some other perspectives on his book. He's not a calisthenics purist and he trains more for aesthetics/hypertrophy. He doesn't do any skills training like muscle ups, levers or planches. I think his weight training background allows him to bring some unique perspectives and ideas in...
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    I'm lost. Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs

    @njgarage001 I'd do something like this: Anterior: Dips/Pistol Squat/Push up/ Goblet squat/Triceps Extension/Core Posterior: Pull up/ RDL/ Row/ GHR/ Bicep Curl/ Hip Thrust Just an example. I think what I like about this, similar to a full body routine, is that one part of your body rests...
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    I'm lost. Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs

    @njgarage001 Splits are merely a tool to manage volume and time. Doing an upper lower is great because you don't need as many days in the gym, can do super sets with opposing muscle groups. The downside is that you have to me careful with your movement selection because you have a limited amount...
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @trmof I personally don't train skills. but you can easily incorporate them into your push pull legs split. For example, the front lever is a pulling exercise, you could practice that before getting into the rest of your pulling. Handstands and Planche are pushing skills, so they can be done at...
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    Hybrid weights + calisthenics routine - any tips/advice?

    @ejihrke Yes, I think dips are a better bang for your buck movement. DPU's are more for if you don't have access to much equipment and need more variation in your push ups. Also, regarding your concern of adequate tricep/shoulder volume, I think you should always include a tricep isolation, but...
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    Chaning from weights to bodyweight

    @trmof I think everyone else has chimed in similar advice. but I'll throw my two cents in. Having a few bodyweight alternatives in your arsenal is great if you're in a crowded gym and a machine or bench you need is taken up. Most calisthenics moves are compound, so incorporate a few in each...
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    Hybrid weights + calisthenics routine - any tips/advice?

    @ejihrke Consider alternating between Pull and pushing movements instead of two in a row. This also gives you the option to super set if you want a time saving measure. Push press seems like an odd choice if you want to use weights for muscle building. Since Push press involves using the legs...
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    BaseBlocks B-Bars for the recommended routine?

    @xelalex I have similar bars and they definitely are super useful and versatile. They're best use is for dips, but also great for lots of different row variations. I don't think they are that good for pull ups because of their height, an L-sit position is necessary, and that's a more advanced...
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    [D] Applying Mike Mentzer method in full body workouts

    @withhope2022 The problem with going to failure on bodyweight movements compared to traditional body building movements in the gym is that its much more difficult to actually take the target muscle to true zero reps in reserve. This is because there is so much other musculature providing...
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    Mike Mentzer's heavy duty program and callisthenics

    @caitriona I agree with this comment. It’s easier to push to true failure with weights than bodyweight movements. Because bw movements engage more muscles passively to stabilize the body when using it as resistance, the amount of total musculature used generates more systemic fatigue, and that...
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    Considering a new approach to strength and hypertrophy by implementing high rep training

    @brohoho KBoges has an interesting approach to training. He's not flashy with things like muscle ups or other skills, but he preaches sustainability and health above all else. He's not trying to impress you, he wants to help you.
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    calisthenics x weights

    @jamie113 Calisthenics can get you really far for sure. Dips, push ups and pull ups definitely work your major muscle groups in the upper body and can help you develop lots of size. Where you might run into some issues is a lack of horizontal pulling like rows which help develop the upper back...
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    3x Full body training

    @ehr I wouldn't worry too much about too much volume. Just do what you can, if you feel overly fatigued later you can back off and reassess. Most people don't train enough. Your workout looks pretty good. My suggestions are not necessary whatsoever, but you might consider. Having two distinct...
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    Opinion and cristism on my workout plan?

    @lynnn Agree with the comment disliking the 3 day split. You're trying to fit as many things as you can to cover your all your bases at the expense of frequency and adequate practice and rest. You could do HS hold and planche on push day before you reps and sets, likewise front lever on pull...