Hello all!
I have recently been thinking about incorporating calisthenics with my weight training(as I know some muscle groups are just alot easier to do with weights) Would it be possible to just alter my current rutine? Or would I need to build a new one?I have tried to research diffrent rutines but there so many soutces its hard to filter the good from bad. Thanks in advance!
3 x 10-12 Incline dumbbell bench press
3 x 10-12 Shoulderpress/military press
3 x 10-12 Tricep pushdowns
3 x 10-12 cable-chest fly
3 x 10-12 Dumbbell lateral raises
3 x 10-12 one-arm Lat pulldowns
3 x 10-12 assisted pullups with varied grip (wider, neutral and chin)
3 x 10-12 seated row
3 x 10-12 Barbell shrugs
3 x 10-12 Reverse pec dec
3 x 10-12 EZ bar bicep curls
3 x 10 barbell squats(pyramid warmup
3 x 10 legpress
3 x 10 lying legcurls
3 x 10 leg extensions
3 x 10-15 sitting calfraises
I have recently been thinking about incorporating calisthenics with my weight training(as I know some muscle groups are just alot easier to do with weights) Would it be possible to just alter my current rutine? Or would I need to build a new one?I have tried to research diffrent rutines but there so many soutces its hard to filter the good from bad. Thanks in advance!
3 x 10-12 Incline dumbbell bench press
3 x 10-12 Shoulderpress/military press
3 x 10-12 Tricep pushdowns
3 x 10-12 cable-chest fly
3 x 10-12 Dumbbell lateral raises
3 x 10-12 one-arm Lat pulldowns
3 x 10-12 assisted pullups with varied grip (wider, neutral and chin)
3 x 10-12 seated row
3 x 10-12 Barbell shrugs
3 x 10-12 Reverse pec dec
3 x 10-12 EZ bar bicep curls
3 x 10 barbell squats(pyramid warmup
3 x 10 legpress
3 x 10 lying legcurls
3 x 10 leg extensions
3 x 10-15 sitting calfraises