barbell workout routine

  1. B

    Workout Plan I’ve seen intermediate clients get the most results with

    Hey all, I work part time as a PT at my local gym to bring a little extra money and have been testing this training system for about 15 months now. All my clients are really happy with it and are enjoying their progress so I thought I’d share it (Note this is just a template of sorts you’ll...
  2. J

    My(just getting back into amateur fitness and trying to stay on a routine) leg routine workout

    My leg routine is in total 100 reps of squats but split up like this: 1 set of 10 shoulder width feet apart squats(legs bend straight and foward), THEN a 15 second rest, THEN 1 set of 10 wider stance squats(knees are pointed a bit outward), THEN a 30 second rest, REPEAT all that 4 more times. I...
  3. S

    Is my 3 day split effective?

    Is my routine effective? I want wide shoulders and lats. 4 months training experience. I do the same workout 3 days M,W,F Barbell Bench press 3x8 Hack Squat 3x8 Pullups 5xAMRAP DB lateral raise 3x10 Biceps movement 3x10 Triceps movement 3x10 Lat pullovers/prayers 3x10 Chest fly machine (pec...
  4. E

    How can I improve my PPL split.

    So my current split is PPL going 6 days a week and I want to add a day 1 and day 2 but don’t know what workouts to do on day 1 vs day 2. Here is my current split and figured yall would know how to properly fix it PPL Push day- Bench press 3x 10-12 Incline bench 3x10-12 Pec deck 3x10-12...
  5. D

    50/50 Strength & Hypertrophy Blend Weightlifting Routine- Lil Baby Lifts v5 If you're not feeling completely worked for a particular muscle group on any given day, throw in another set (AMRAP) or bring in your own accessory lifts for even more fun. This routine has...
  6. T

    Gym Size and Strength 5x per week Program

    Hello, I just finished week one of my program (also tried Week 7 of the program and it was very fun for me since high volume and intensity) and really loved it and thought i should share, here it is...
  7. S

    6 Day 5/3/1 PPL

    Age: 34 Height: 6’1” Current Weight: 174 Goal Weight: 190lb (then deciding on whether to maintain or continue to lean bulk to 200lb) Intermediate lifter after 3 years of mostly consistent training and too many years of inconsistent training. I’ve been doing some form of 6 day PPL split...
  8. M

    Asking for a program check

    Hi, I'm looking for opinions about the workout program I wrote :) I'm bulking up as a teenager, I'm trying to gain strength (hence the heavy top sets) but my main goal is bodybuilding. P.S Please ignore the lack of calves and rear delts sets lol...
  9. J

    Any advice on my workout routine?

    Any advice you guys can give me to improve my program? Maybe switch a few things around or replace some exercise? I only have home gym equipment so I do not own any cable machines but I do own a squat/Pullup rack and a bench with barbelld and dumbbells I can customize with as much weight as I...
  10. 1

    Is my workout plan too hard (mostly for leg day), assuming that all sets are taken to 0-1 RIR, and sleep and diet are on track

    Upper Bench Press (4 x 4-6) Incline Bench Press (2 x 6-8) Deadlift (2 x 5-7) Military Press (2 x 6-8) Pull-Ups (? x 30) Skull-Crushers (3 x 6-10) T-Bar Row (2 x 6-8 + Rest Pause) Lateral Raise (2 x 8-12 + Hold + Partials) Reverse Fly (3 x 8-12) Lower Squat (2 x 5-7) Front Squat (2 x...
  11. B

    Workout Routine Critique

    Help Programming Workout I wanted to see if anyone would give some feedback on a workout routine I am considering. I do have several years lifting experience and some knowledge of workout routines and principles. I am 37, run a business full time, and have a 1 year old kid, so there are time...
  12. 1

    Is this 4 day workout plan optimal to focus on improving bench, long head tricep, legs and deadlift?

    Upper: Bench Press (4 x 4-6) Incline Bench Press (3 x 6-8) Deadlift (2 x 5-7) Pull-Ups (? x 30) T-Bar Row (2 x 6-8 + RP) Skull-Crushers (2 x 6-10 + RP) Lateral Raise (2 x 8-12 + RP) Reverse Fly (3 x 8-12 + RP) Lower Body: Squat (2 x 5-7) Front Squat (2 x 5-7) RDL (2 x 5-7) Hip...
  13. A

    Fatigue and muscle soreness

    I’ve been on my program for about two months I’ve worked out in the past. I weigh 5,9 185Lbs, 28 years old. I’m not a professional athlete just a normal guy. I’ve been experiencing some fatigue, and muscle soreness going into some workouts. I feel good some days where other days I can’t seem...
  14. C

    Weird 4/1-day split

    Hello, I typically use either upper/lower twice per week or UL/PPL routine 5 days per week, as my body seems to respond best to good volume and frequently training muscles. However, I've recently taken a job where my only opportunities will be Thurs - Sun at the gym and Mon/Tues/Weds with...
  15. 1

    Is my powerbuilding plan good? Any tips to improve it?

    Upper Strength: - Bench Press (3 x 2-6) - Military Press (3 x 6-8) - Deadlift (3 x 2-5) - Tricep Dips (2 x 6-8) - Pull Ups (2 x 6-8) - T-Bar Row (2 x 6-8) - Lateral Raise (2 x 8-12 + H + P) - Reverse Fly (2 x 8-12) Lower Strength: - Squat (3 x 2-5) - Romanian Deadlift (2 x 5-7) - Leg...
  16. A

    6 gym workout splits

    three and a half years ago i started going to the gym as a 17yr old skinny kid. Ik the struggle of choosing the right workout program so i made 6 free programs for all of you guys who need it. you have 3,4,5,6 times per week programs Just send me a message or leave a comment and i will send it...
  17. 1

    Is this workout plan acceptable for power building?

    PUSH/PULL/LEGS (A) Push: Pause Bench Press (2 x 3-6) Close Grip Bench Press (2 x 6-8) Tricep Dips (2 x 6-8) Tricep Pushdown (2 x 6-8) Cable Lateral Raise (3 x 8-12) Hammer Curls (2 x 6-8) Pull: Deadlift (2 x 3-6) Pull Ups (2 x 6-8) Seated Cable Row (2 x 6-8) Y raises (2 x 6-8) Reverse Fly (3 x...
  18. J

    Anyone in possession of the "Mass monster program" from Warfighter athletics? And wants to trade for other HTK or Warfighter Athletic program?

    Send dm. Can anyone redirect me to correct "/r" if not appropriate here?
  19. L

    Been out of the gym for a while rate my workout!

    Hello ladies n gents hope you're all having a lovely day! Been out of a consistent workout routine for years but I'm in a good place now where I'll be able to do that. So with that being said let me know what you think about my routine give me your comments questions concerns thanks! Also I'm...