dumbbell workout routine

  1. L

    Workouts at Hotel Gyms

    Hey everyone!! I have a new job that makes me travel a lot for work and I don’t really have a great routine for workouts on the road. I stay in hotels a lot (Marriotts, Hiltons, etc…) and they basically only have treadmills, dumbbells, and a bench. Travel/Work Schedule: My travel usually...
  2. W

    Is this okay?

    I am able to perform this all but kind of struggle with the push day, i simply get to the tricep ss and have to take a break so that i can finish. I just want to know if I should continue or switch to something else, pehaps revise this. I just started working out kinda, I've been at the gym for...
  3. A

    My gym workout, not only dumbbells but generally barbells, cables and machines

    monday- chest & back tuesday- arms & shoulders wednesday- legs 1 thursday-rest friday- upper saturday- legs 2 sunday-rest Start of the week: increase reps or weight of every exercise slow and controlled eccentric on every exercise CHEST AND BACK: -incline db press 26 10-10-10...
  4. A

    My work out plan by chat gpt it seems fine. What do you think

    Day 1: Upper Body Strength Training + Cardio - Warm up with 10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., jogging in place) - Bench press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps - Barbell rows: 4 sets of 6-8 reps - Shoulder press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps - Hammer curls: 3 sets of 8-10 reps - Tricep pushdowns: 3 sets of 8-10 reps -...
  5. U

    Help with a dumbbell upper lower split

    Advice for an upper lower dumbbell split routine Hello, I’m trying to make a dumbbell workout routine with the upper lower split. I have quick adjustable dumbbells and I also have one of those basic cable pulley systems that hook onto the roof or something similar. I’ve made a base and wanted...
  6. Q

    [Q] Workout routine and fat looss

    Hello everyone 26M weight 83kg height 180cm here I have a question about muscle loss and fat loss. My routine is work out then going 20-25min on the treadmill 5 to 6 days a week. First weight lifting for 1.5-2 then 20-25 min running around 165bpm based on my smart band I do anaerobic...
  7. C

    Chest workouts (M)

    Hi all... When i see some guys,m and compare myself to them... Size of my arms or shoulders. I try to look at wrist size. To me the only way to see if someone is big boned or not. I have tiny lady wrists so I will never have 25" biceps. But when compared to guys with about the same size wrists...
  8. F

    Is there a reason every routine has A, B, C days?

    Hi there, I have been doing a machines only full body workout of about 12 machines 3x a week that takes about 2 hours to do. This is becoming a bit unmanageable so I have been loooking at some routines that incorporate more compound movements using barebells and dumbbells to try to get to...
  9. G

    Good Beginner Workout? Home

    Upper Body (2x a week) 1. Bent Over Dumbbell Row 4 8-10 2. Dumbbell Bench Press 4 8-10 3. Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 8-12 4. Dumbbell Pullover 3 8-12 5. Dumbbell Bicep Curl 2 8-12 6. Dumbbell Tricep Extension 2 8-12 7. Dumbbell Shrug 2 12-15 Lower Body: (2x a week)...
  10. A

    Push Pull Legs EXAMPLE

    I've seen a lot of questions asking about Push Pull Legs splits, so I figured I would type out an EXAMPLE. As stated, this is an EXAMPLE and does not need to be implemented verbatim to be effective. The example as written would likely be too much for a new lifter. But I just wanted to show...
  11. E

    Is this a good routine for Push day

    I made 2 Routines for Push day and i wanna know if I'm missing something PUSH 1 Incline Bench Press X4 (10x8x12x15) (the first set is my warm up, low weights) Shoulder Press X3 (12x12x12) Machine Skull Crusher X3 (12x12x15) Bent Over Fly X3 (13x13x20) Lateral Raise X3 (1-5 slow...
  12. G

    What do you say about my workout plan?

    This is my workout plan. Monday I do upper, tuesday upper 2, thursday leg day then friday upper + upper 2 together. I do all of my exercices in 4x10-4x12 range, 4 being sets and 10-12 reps which are all close to failure. I’m in the gym for about a month and half and I’ve seen some pretty decent...
  13. O

    Gym Push day

    is this good for gym push day and is there something i need to change to make ir better? Bench Press (Dumbbell): 4 sets x 6-8 reps Rest Timer: 2 minutes Shoulder Press (Dumbbell): 4 sets x 8-10 reps Rest Timer: 1 minute Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell): 3 sets x 8-10 reps Rest Timer: 1...
  14. R

    Workout routine for impingement

    Which workout routine seems best for recovering and handling impingement? And what are your experiences with these routines ? high frequency—> divides volume at best, but is it best for your connective tissue? Fullbody —> gives at least 48 h rest to shoulders between workouts...
  15. M

    Rate my PPL please

    Hi all! I have been doing this program for a few months now. My PT friend made it for me. I’ve been having issues with back stiffness and hip / glute tightness. My physio believes I need to stop doing barbell squats and potentially deads to fix my issues ( I enjoy them though that’s the...
  16. J

    Finally deciding to get back to working out

    So I finally decided that I want to get in shape after not working out consistently for about 5 years now, occasionally I'd work out with other people (couple times a year max) and I do work at a warehouse but that's all the working I've done since highschool. I'm 265 I did Football (O line)...
  17. B

    Routine feedback for a time crunched dad

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on a workout plan I put together to try and get back in shape as a 36 year old. I have a demanding work schedule and am a dad. "Free time"(lol) usually starts around 8:00-8:30 and bedtime around 930-10 (wake up at 5am). I used to be in athletic shape before...
  18. C

    Am I overtraining my glutes?

    I’ve been doing this split for a month and a half and I’m a beginner. I love going 5 days a week and i really want to grow a big ol juicy booty. But I’m hearing you should only do about 20 working sets max a week on your glutes and I def am over. Can anyone give me any tips? Which excercises I...
  19. R

    Fill-In or Critique my Beginner Full-Body Routine?

    I started working out about a month ago. Been slowly adding new exercises based on whether I like them and whether they increase the range of body parts I want to be hitting. My goal is general fitness (i.e. I eventually want to be able to do and enjoy doing push-ups!). I usually get to the gym...
  20. M

    Please Rate My Routine and tell me how to improve (Dumbbells adjustable)

    PushPull-LowerUpper Cardio: Walking Home After School Warmup: x10 SquatJump x10 LuRaises xF Plank Monday:Push 3x BenchPress 3x InclineBPress 3x InclineShoulderPress 3x LateralRaises 3x TrisKickBacks Tuesday:Push 3x StandingDumbbellRow 3x ReverseGripDumbbellRow 3x RearDeltFlyes 3x...