just a post

  1. P

    S&S - how long did it take you to do the 100 swings in 5 min w/ 24 kg?

    Howdy y'all. Long time lurker, first time poster here. Seeing all your posts gives me so much motivation. This is genuinely the most wholesome community on Reddit. For reference, I'm 30M, 80 kg. After several rounds nds of DFW, ROP, and the wolf at 12 kg, I came back to S&S in May. Started at...
  2. N

    Titan Fitness is doing a one day flash sale (4/9/21) of their 32kg adjustable kettlebell

    That’s all, it’s just a public service announcement. It’s price reduced down to $188
  3. J

    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    Got to 300 swings in a session much sooner than I thought I could :). Context: I'm 5' 8", 127lb, never did anything with weights before Feb 2022. My first form check was on March 17th, about two months ago. Started with S&S, realized I can barely do TGU with a 4kg dumb bell. But the swings...
  4. J

    Swinging playlists

    Hopefully this allowed since it does have something to do with kettlebells. Was curious what music, playlists everyone likes when doing workouts. I personally like more punk inspired music. But some rap gets me going too. I'm also a gamer so there is a soundtrack that really hits for me. The...
  5. B

    Finished DFW today…

    4 weeks ago my C&P RM for 22kg was 5. I had been already working on C&P through other programs so my technique was decent already. 4 weeks later after finishing DFW (with plenty of other accessories), I’m testing my one handed C&P, hoping in add a few reps to my max, and landed 10 solid presses...
  6. W

    The answer was always kettlebells

    I’ve had a couple 30 lb bells and a 53 lb (true 24 kg) bell sitting in my garage forever. I have been boxing and lifting heavy for several years but haven’t lifted much lately because a lot of lame reasons. Shoulder has been acting up on account of too many days in a row at the heavy bag. But I...
  7. D

    King sized killer phase 2 slow progress

    Doing dfw spoiled me I think. I progress my reps weekly the whole time. Snatches progressed in phase 1 but I’ve hit a wall in phase 2. Phase 2 is the 3,6,9 then 3,6 then 3,6,9,12. I think it’s the cardio aspect that’s my main roadblock. I’m doing a fair amount of extras before each KSK...
  8. H

    I want to strict press 32kg

    For context I have a 20kg bell and a 32kg bell.Dont want to buy anymore bells in between. Has anyone managed to go straight from 20kg to 32kg for strict pressing? How long did it take? How much volume were you doing in the 20s? Thanks in advance
  9. F

    Kettlebells made out of . . . (?)

    If iron has a density of 7.87g/cm3 (according to this website) then the volume of a 16kg kettlebell must be 2,033.04cm3, right? (Density x Volume = Mass) So let's say you want a kettlebell the size of a normal 16kg bell, but made out of something else. Here's what it would weigh! Brass . . ...
  10. B

    Kettlebell Fanmail

    The majority of my exercise over the last year has been focused on KB overhead press. I picked up a barbell today for the first time since 2021. At that time I’d been working specifically on the big 4 power lifts (bench, overhead, squat, DL). Out of all of these, I expected my bench press to...
  11. D

    First attempt at a Pentathlon ⭐️

    I've been practising my GS for the last couple of weeks and thought I would give the pentathlon a try. I originally planned to do the half version but thought "in for a penny in for a pound". I wanted to complete it to see where my start point was and to see where to go from here. Weights were...
  12. C

    10k challenge starts in the morning.

    If it all goes to plan I’ll finish the week of my 45th birthday. I am hoping to wake up to some advice to get me going in the morning. I don’t trust my grip to do the 10 15 25 50 x 5 rep scheme so I’m going to start with a 10 10 15 15 x 10 and hope to have the grip strength by week two for the...
  13. D

    Beginner looking clarification where to start

    Hello! First apologies, I’m sure these questions have been asked many times before, but I’m struggling to land on something to commit to. So I’m looking to workout 3 times a week, the odd time I might try fit 4, but 3 is mostly likely due to quite a busy schedule. I have 2x12kg, 1x16kg and...
  14. L

    "Easy to get started" conditioning workout. 20 x 60s intervals of rope, double KB, burpees

    Some days I don't feel like working out, and for those days I have an "easy to get started" workout. It is a workout that feels accessible, simple, easy to get started; it doesn't feel as discouraging or as complicated as a full workout. And it has to be easy to setup. Even if it has been a...
  15. D

    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    Started phase 2 which is the strength endurance phase. Ladders of 3,6,9. Twas absolutely brutal on the lungs and grip (in a good way lol). For those who have done this one, did y’all ever put the kb down before switching to the other arm? I ended up doing that for the sets of 6 and 9...
  16. G

    KB FS vs. C&P Weights

    Hey everyone, I have noticed that many KB enthusiasts love programs that combine FS and C&P. I have never had success with these programs because of how much stronger my squats are compared to my press. I can FS double 32s for 5 reps easily, but I can only press double 32s for 2 reps. I have...
  17. B

    Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training

    On October 23, 2021, I started structuring (and just as importantly, tracking) my KB workouts the way Mark Wildman suggested in his "Nerd Math" and "Tetris of Training" videos (all of which are conveniently compiled here by @fbgah). Here's how much I've progressed: October 2021 swings - 16kg...
  18. R

    DFW-inspired program I’m doing

    Just wanted to share what I’m doing cuz idk anyone else who does kb workouts, but I think it’s neat and fun. I did barbell training for a long time so the self-regulated training of DFW was at first a turnoff but I needed to start SOMEthing and decided I’d give that style of training a go. I...
  19. D

    Update: It’s been 8 days and I’m still at it!(100 swings)

    Just wanted to update those who care that I haven’t stopped! I see a slight difference in my arms already and also a difference in my posture. This has been really fun and i am glad i got into kettlebells. My goals are to strengthen my core and also my glutes. I know my core is weak because of...
  20. E

    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    Hey r/kettlebell! Several folks (@jwils35, @christfollower1993, @andy0, and @kanakoa) commented on one of my recent posts and suggested I consider doing a write-up of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training. Hope some of y’all find this helpful! I didn’t take any progress...