
  1. S

    How much walking is too much walking?

    Lately I’ve been walking for 2-2.5 hours because it’s legit the best for mental relaxation. I have a break until my next semester at nursing school, and have gotten addicted to listening to podcasts. 🤣 Today I hit 8.9 miles but usually it’s more like 7-7.5 miles, 6-7 days per week.
  2. A

    How do you eat enough protein without feeling disgustingly full be the end of the day?

    I’m currently working on getting 80-90g protein per day, within 1300-1600 ish calories. I’m 5’3, currently 142.2lbs, and normally extremely sedentary. I’m working on running 3-5 days per week (can currently go a mile at 4.5mph), and light strength for arms, back, and legs with 10lb dumbbells (3...
  3. A

    Are my macros correct?

    I’m F21 5’5 and 143 lbs I got a workout plan and my macros from a vegan trainer My calorie intake goal is 1700 calories per day and my macros are: Protein: 30% - 128g Carbs: 40% - 170g Fat: 30% - 57g At first I thought the protein was a bit on the higher side (0.9 x my weight lbs) but a...
  4. T

    Looking for a gym buddy in Montreal :D!

    Anyone here from Montreal ? I live in the East right next to Metro Papineau and I was wondering if I there any vegan friendly social circle to workout with?
  5. F

    Creatine timing?

    I started creatine about a month ago and I'm wondering if there's any concrete proof to the timing of taking it? I've been having it in the morning because that's the most convenient for me (post breakfast) and I don't wanna bring the tub with me in my car (I work outside and bring all my food...
  6. R

    Cutting and protein pwdr question

    {I have two inquires within this post} 2 years & 2 months into being vegan & going to the gym and I’m 8 months into having a strength training routine—4 day UB, LB split. I’ve definitely gained muscle and got stronger but my big problem is the weight loss/ toning part lol I’ve lost a...
  7. C

    I’m confused about protein… 🫤

    There are a few vegan fitness influencers I follow and some of them say: “Go ahead use protein powders and mock meats to get extra protein” And some say: “you only really need healthy whole foods, and you get enough protein by eating enough” I’m confused about the amount I really need for...
  8. I

    How quickly can changing to a different diet affect the body?

    My boyfriend wanted to try vegan so we have been eating a chickpea curry for the past three days. I regularly run 2-3 times a week but have been adding 3 one hour swims in for a sprint triathlon training. Today I went for a run and it felt like something was sitting on my chest and my legs just...
  9. J

    Is fasting a good way to cut?

    I’ve been 16:8 fasting for the last few weeks and historically I always lose weight very easily when fasting. However, I work out at 8am and don’t end up eating my first meal until 12:00/13:00. Is this going to be an issue or that I’m not taking advantage of the anabolic window after resistance...
  10. B

    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    I am 145 pounds and 5 8. I’m ok with my weight but realized I’m not just skinny today, but actually fat. I always have had a beer belly and today got official measurements and I’m almost 29 percent body fat. It caught me somewhat off guard as I had been running and thought I’d be closing in on...
  11. M

    Building muscle on a deficit?

    33M vegan 2+ years. 6ft 185 - trying to get back to the better body composition I had as an athlete in college. Maybe it’s just in my mind but when I was lifting 5-8 years ago I felt like my muscle mass was firmer and harder and more easily attained. Is this purely a calorie thing? Am I missing...
  12. B

    💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

    Sorry for the TMI. But I workout very regularly….6-7 days a week. And since switching my diet to vegan, I poop like 3-4 X a day. Can you relate??
  13. 4

    Vegan youtubers for entertainment

    Any recommendations for youtubers that make ENTERTAINING vegan fitness videos, NOT educational or inspo? I already have a few inspo+ educational youtubers that I enjoy watching, but I’m looking for some that do challenges and stuff like that. Non-vegan examples of people I used to enjoy...
  14. K

    B 12 and Vit D

    Hello. My wife and I plus our 4 yr old son recently converted to vegan/plant based diet. Although I have some idea of dietary sources of Vit B12 and Vit D we were still planning to be on the safe side and supplement in case we don't get enough from diet alone. Can the group recommend what...
  15. J

    Macro advice?

    Hey plant babes! My goal is weight loss (like 10lbs of fluff right now) and muscle gain. I don’t need to be BUILT I’m just looking to be strong enough to run a couple miles without dying, open my own jars, do a pull-up/push-up, etc. like practical strength, not body builder. I admire that...
  16. P

    Too much iron and fiber

    I'm currently trying to gain weight and muscle bulk, so along with lifting weights, I've increased my protein intake by a lot. The thing is, I'm noticing that in order to get enough protein from a good range of sources, I'm consistently eating far more iron and fiber than seems to be recommended...
  17. J

    If I train a muscle every 4 days I’m sore for 2-3 days after. If I train a muscle once a week I’m sore for 5-6 days after. Anyone else like this?

    I’ve been training for 26 years and it’s always been this way. Curious if others have the same issue. I like training a muscle every 4 days so I’m not as sore, but I’m getting old (43) and I lift heavy weights and it’s taking it’s toll on me. About to switch to doing a muscle once a week to give...
  18. L

    Lifting with lack of sleep

    Hi, i’m having insomnia and only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. i’d wake up in the middle of the night and just unable to fall back asleep. Should I avoid lifting weights because of this? I read everywhere that I shouldn’t lift weights if i’m not getting 7-9 hours of sleep. But avoiding...
  19. A

    running 3 times a week advice on progression?

    I run 3 times a week I started at 7.5km/h for 40 mins then 50 mins then 1h. I then ran at 8km/h for 40 mins then 50 mins and so on. I'm trying to get my endurance back from 5 years ago. I play football and ran 12km in 1h, 3 times a week during the off season. What's the best way to achieve 12...
  20. S

    What does e/s means?

    Hi Dears, I recently started the Free 3 Day Simple Start Kettlebell Basics Program from KBOMG and I have questions. - At some points, the pdf says e/s. For example: Single arm KB Row 4-5 x5 e/s KB 2 Handed Clean 4x 3-4 e/s What does e/s stands for? - Also, when we use one hand...