
  1. L

    How do I eat more?

    I'm 5'4 125lbs, my maintenance macros seem to be 1650-1700 cals with 125g p An acquaintance of mine is shorter than me (like maybe 5') 120lbs and her CUTTING cals are 1800. How? I'm so jealous. She's been lifting for about 8 or 10 years while I've been lifting for 4. Is that the difference...
  2. N

    I guess I’d better get used to barely eating anything 🙄

    Just ranting. 5’2, trying to lose weight, need to eat 1400 to be at a deficit at my current weight. Been doing that, plus exercise, and I’ve already lost 4 lbs (yay!) This got me wondering what my my maintenance will be once I lose weight and hit my goal. At THAT weight? My maintenance will be...
  3. B

    Does anyone's weight go to one part of their body?

    All of my goddamned weight goes to my tits. Now you might be thinking, "Wow she's humble bragging," but I very much so promise you I'm not. I normally am at a DD at my goal weight. After COVID, a new relationship, and some traumatic life events I have gained almost 40lbs. I'm pretty sure I'm...
  4. X

    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    Getting frustrated lately. From various problems like: o) heartburn when not sitting straight enough after eating + certain bras put pressure on my lower esophageal sphincter (abrathatfits), even more heartburn (especially with pants that are too tight) o) cysts feel much bigger than they...
  5. R

    4'9" and i hate it

    I hate how at 168lbs I look obese!!! Yet my cousin at 5'5 looks skinny!!! I'm going to cry wtf why was i born the equivalent to a smurf Edit: Damnb I didn't expect people to take my rant and agree that yes im the size of a whale lmao as a type 1 diabetic trying to lose weight on top of taking...
  6. C

    Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

    I’m so sick of reading posts about trying to cinch the waistline or get to a weight that’s beyond lower than the healthy weight you’re already at. This is a FITNESS sub. Focus on HEALTH. Focus on strength. Focus on nutrition. Sure we’re here to look a certain way and lose fat, but the main point...
  7. S

    Any other petite girlies with high deficits?

    I’m 15F SW71kg CW64kg 5’1 I workout 6 days a week at home for about 1 hour and a half or two hours, thursdays always for rest, I try to lift weights 3 days a week. My maintenance in cals is 2300, to lose 0.5kg a week my maintenance is 1800. Which I eat less than non intentionally. I used to...
  8. S

    Vent …. I feel hopeless

    I know this may trigger many overweight / obese people but - I am skinny and I hate it. Growing up I was always petite and I always struggle to gain weight. Now that I’m a young adult , I desperately want to put flesh on my body. I’m underweight (under 100 pounds) and 5’2 , I feel like I...
  9. K

    My summer plan

    Hey there! I’m 5’2 and 215 pounds. I gained about 75 pounds over 3 years. I’m a first year teacher and I’m so excited to take this paid time off to really focus on myself and my health. I have a plan I’ve created and wanted some input on it! -daily yoga -glutes 3x a week (just want to see how...
  10. S

    I am so mad at myself for not strength training sooner

    I felt the “rant” flair was the most appropriate, though I’m basically ranting about myself, lol. I’ve finally added strength training in because I’ve stalled for a hot minute in weight loss, and honestly got bored of doing so much cardio all the time. I’m amazed at how good I feel with even...
  11. A

    I went off track for FOUR DAYS and I gained 3 pounds. Just feeling really frustrated. 5’2” SW 125 GW 120 CW 126.6

    I’m just really upset. For the past 3 months I’ve been pretty damn good on my health journey. Tracking all my macros/cals, working out 4-5 times a week, getting my steps in. Started at 125 and got down to 122 and have stayed around 122/123. Starting Friday I didn’t track what I ate and I...
  12. E

    I’m so upset…

    Girlies…I’ve been choking down sickly sweet electrolytes every morning for two years during my workouts and hating it. So I finally bit the bullet and ordered LMNT and I’m PISSED about how much I like it. FFS I’m going to go broke 😂😂😂 (not sponsored I swear. But LMNT please hmu)
  13. G

    I’m 20 and 5’2” but very stressed about maintaining my weight

    TW: mention of ED This is kind of just a vent post but also looking for advice. I’m studying something that will probably land me a sedentary office job, which I’m starting to panic about. I’m currently a healthy weight and don’t mind my body, but seeing posts on here where some people have...
  14. F

    I’m tired of juggling everything and I’m completely burnt out

    You want to lose weight? Well, okay, first start by exercising! Oh but wait, you also need to exercise hard enough to build muscle! So you need to push yourself to failure! 6-12 reps every set! Wait, you’re doing that exercise? No you need to do these exercises so you target every muscle...
  15. W

    Is it just me or do we get ignored at parties/bars because we’re short? like people can’t see or notice us in the crowd

    (this is coming from a 4’10 woman’s perspective) (i know this isn’t necessarily fitness related but i can’t find a subreddit that’s just for petite-women in general. when i search i only find sexual accounts or petite-fashion, petite-fitness etc) i feel like at any crowded event or party- like...
  16. S

    Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

    I watched this tall, very active man’s what I eat in a day video and what he ate in one day, I would probably eat in 2.5-3 days. Man life doesn’t feel fair sometimes when you’re petite and trying to lose weight! For anyone curious, in 1 day he ate: - protein vegan pancakes (note that his...
  17. F

    My cycle is always trying to sabotage me (F/43/5’1”)

    The title says it all- some way or another that lil miss is always trying to ruin my life. So of course she found a way to mess with me during my weight loss journey too. The week up to my cycle I will get so bloated and feel so heavy and hate how I look sooooo much that I want to cry and I...
  18. 6

    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    Hey everyone- so as the title says today my therapist told me that I should accept myself at a bigger size and I’m really upset about it. I’ve been at this bigger size for 2 years now and I’m still not happy with my body and after gaining a couple more pounds over summer I’ve decided to get...
  19. S

    I hate working out

    I am literally crying after my first workout of the year. i thought I’d feel proud of myself because I haven’t had a proper workout that wasn’t just walking in months, but I just feel weak and bitter that other people can eat as much as me and still look normal because they’re taller. Fuck all...
  20. B

    Unexplained weight gain

    I’ve been trying to lose weight, and lost 7lbs through January. I eat 1400 cals a day and sometimes do interment fasting or OMAD. I weigh most of my foods so I’m pretty sure I’m counting accurately. As far as working out, I do weight training 4x a week, and walk on the treadmill for 45min...