
  1. S

    I hate working out

    I am literally crying after my first workout of the year. i thought I’d feel proud of myself because I haven’t had a proper workout that wasn’t just walking in months, but I just feel weak and bitter that other people can eat as much as me and still look normal because they’re taller. Fuck all...
  2. B

    Unexplained weight gain

    I’ve been trying to lose weight, and lost 7lbs through January. I eat 1400 cals a day and sometimes do interment fasting or OMAD. I weigh most of my foods so I’m pretty sure I’m counting accurately. As far as working out, I do weight training 4x a week, and walk on the treadmill for 45min...
  3. K

    everything i know about losing weight that might help you

    REPOST (breaking up into smaller sections to be easier to read lol) EDIT: just for clarification i am writing this from the perspective of someone who is 5’0 and has always been around 110-115 before trying to lose weight so my TDEE has always been a bit lower BEFORE I START I AM IN NO WAY A...
  4. P

    Some struggles living in Japan and deciding to take back control of my weight

    I live in Japan, a place of petites who are super skinny ladies. I’m 35, American with German ancestry. 150cm. It’s so hard to see other people who are your hight, but that are so much more lean. These ladies do Hot Yoga and dance. No strength training and lots of pickled veggies. It was great...
  5. A

    Losing Weight with my 6’0 father. I’m so annoyed that it’s so easy for him

    5’3 SW: 178, CW: 159, GW: 130 So I’ve been loosing weight since August 1st. All of August I did the Chloe ting challenge and I lost 10 lbs. I worked out a little in September and honestly have barely worked out in October. I’ve been trying to eat healthy this whole time but only been doing...
  6. F

    Advice as a 24 y/o lifelong dieter

    Hello!!! Found this sub and I feel like it’s exactly what I needed (I’m 5’1 and no less than 200lbs). I’ve hated my body for as long as I can remember. Learned behavior from my mom :( I found my my fitness pal acc with a picture of me at no older than 14. This has come with an array of eating...
  7. P

    Feeling like a loser

    I am 26 F and 5 feet 1 . Started my weight loss journey on November 1st. Was doing great. Lost 9 kg / 20 pounds within 2 months without exercise and eating only 1200 calories a day. But for the past 1 week i have been binging like crazy and gained 3 kgs of weight. I am feeling so demotivated...