1 month in the gym and I can barely do multiple pushups

@walterrutherford I've literally been working out consistently for two years I lost over 100lbs and can do about 10-15 chin ups per set but struggle to do three girly pushup in a row some muscles are just harder to develop in some people.
@walterrutherford I would say check your form and don’t stop going until you physically give out. But I mean go as far up as you can and hold that position for as long as you can before falling. I only say this to make sure you’re giving it all because for me at least sometimes I underestimate what I can do from doubt.

I like this guy idk if he’s right but my nuggets say he is

Finally I would just say give it some time and eat ya protein this shit takes time I’m in the gym for 2 hours everyday and I’ve been consistently eating and training for about 8 months and I would still consider myself weak
@islandsoul dont consider yourself weak, man! that effort you make makes you strong, you are the strongest you can be right now!

If I did 2 hours everyday I would be soooo tired for the rest of the day so props to you
@walterrutherford If push-ups are your goal, do lots of push-ups. Play a round of warzone, max your push-ups. Play a round of warzone, max your push-ups...or whatever other nonphysical thing you're doing. Repeat 10-15 times a day
@walterrutherford It takes more than 1 month to notice a change. Work out your daily maintenance calories using a calculator online. Try to get 1-1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. Consuming 300-500 calories over maintenance level per day aid muscle growth, eating more is pointless as your body will only absorb what it needs and turn the rest to fat.

Building muscle with a calorie deficit is possible but not recommended for teens.

Important to note that unless you’re training to failure and giving your body time to recover you won’t grow. If you’re new to the gym I wouldn’t recommend more than 3 times a week. Chest press with barbells and dumbbells will aid you in getting better pushups, as will core work and shoulder work. Focus on training close to failure and keeping good form, lifting steady and controlled.
@walterrutherford Pushups are one of those kinds of exercises that youll do more the more you do, you dont really have to hit the gym for them since you can do them anywhere. I suggest incline push ups and sissy pushups which are easier versions of traditional pushup you can do as many normal pushups as you can the dropsett to sissy pushups or incline and do as much as you can on those, do them as often as you can without overworking yourself and you wil eventually be able to do more and more as long as you continue doing them. I started doing pushups when i was 15 and i could barely pull out 5 reps (by barely i mean shaking to the point of seizures with terrible form lol), but i kept on doing pushups whenever i could and whenever i felt my muscles had healed enough, now im 24 and i can do 80-100 reps in one go depending on my condition for the day.
@walterrutherford Don't worry, we've all been there. It's totally normal to struggle with multiple pushups when you're starting out at the gym. The important thing is that you're putting in the effort and showing up. Keep pushing yourself (pun intended!), and you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll progress. Trust the process and enjoy the journey! 💪😊
@walterrutherford I encourage you to get the book: CONVICT CONDITIONING. IF... you were to go to jail, you'd better be able to fight. and this book will get you in Fighting Condition. Check it out.