10 Home Workouts for anyone who needs it!


New member
Día 1
Warm up
Amrap x 8
30 Jumping Jack
20 Touchdowns
10 Dip

Strength / Skill :
Super Sets (Tratar de completar Unbroken, es decir toda la serie seguida y luego descansar entre rondas)
4 Rounds
20 Squats
15 Jumping Squats
40 Lunges
20 Jumping Lunges
-Rest as needed between rounds-

M1: 12 Hand Release Push Up
M2: 40 Mountain Climbers
M3: 8 Burpees

On: Russian Twist
Off: Rest

-Day 2
Warm Up
3 rounds
20” Plank
20”w Side Plank (Left)
20” Plank
20” Side Plank (Right)
-rest as needed between rounds-

Strength / Skill
M1: 15 -20 Dips
M2: 15 -20 Push Ups
-Anything between 15 and 20 reps, if you can’t keep it, lower the reps-

Amrap x 8
40 Jumping Jacks
20 V-Ups

Amrap x 8
40 Bicycle abs
20 Jumping Squats

Amrap x 8
20 Sit ups
5/5 Sit Thru

Day 3
Warm up
Amrap x 8
8/8 Lunges
8/8 One Leg deadlift
10 Sprawl

Strength / Skill
4 Rounds
20” Squat
20” High Half Squat (from standing to hip line)
20” Low Half Squat (from hip line to below)
20” Squat Hold (Hold Isometric at hip line)
-rest as needed between rounds-

Jumping Jack
Push Up
Sit Up

3 Rounds
Max Plank Hold
-Rest as needed between rounds-

Día 4
Warm up
Amrap x 10
30 Jumping Jacks
20 squats
10 Dips

Strength / Skill
For Time:
Wall Walks
Handstand Push up (Strict or Kipping)
(Si no puedo Pike Push Up o Hand release push up)

For Time:
5 Rounds
14 Burpees
12 V-up
10 Jumping Lunges

Amrap x 4
10 Crunches
20 Heel Touches

Día 5
Warm Up
Amrap x 10
12 Sprawl
30 Mountain Climbers
5/5 Sit Tru
10 Plank to Push up

Strength / Skill
One leg Hip Thrust (Left)
One leg Hip Thrust (Right)
Jumping Jacks
-After each set complete 20” Squat Hold-

Amrap x 20
10 Dips
10 Jumping Squat
10 Push Ups
10 Jumping Lunges
5 Burpees

For Time
100 Sit ups

Día 6
Warm up
Amrap x 8
30 Mountain Climbers
8 Walking Lunges
10 Squat

Strength / Skill
Deficit Push Up
-después de cada set 2 series de Wall Walk-

Deficit Push Up (poner las manos sobre unos libros o algo que aumente tu altura y permita una mayor apertura del pecho)

Jumping Squat

Jumping Lunges
Tuck Ups

Sit Tru
Sit Ups

Día 7
Warm up
Amrap x 10
40 Jumping Jack
4 walk outs + push up
10 Squat + 10” Squat Hold

Strength / Skill
Pistol Squat (cada pierna)
Bulgarian Squat (cada pierna)
One Leg Deadlift (cada pierna)

-En caso de no poder realizar los Pistol Squat, hacerlo con una silla o con un objeto menos elevado que controle la bajada-
For time:
5 Rounds
15 Burpees
20 Hand Release Push Up
-Después de cada Round completar 1’ de Plank Hold-

Amrap x 6
10 Elevaciones de pierna
20 U Sit up

Día 8
Warm up
Amrap x 8
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Plank to push up
5/5 Sit Tru

Strength / Skill
EMOM x 10
M1: 20 dips
M2: 40” Handstand Hold or 12 HSPU

Amrap x 5
20 Squat
10 Jumping Squat

Amrap x 5
20 Sprawl
10 Plank Toe Touch

Amrap x 5
20 Lunges
10 Jumping Lunges

Amrap x 5
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Push Up

Amrap x 5
20 Hollow Rock
10 V-Ups

Día 9
Warm up
Amrap x 8
15 Plank Jack
4 Walk Out

Amrap x 15
20 Push ups
10 Walking Lunges
20 Squat
10 Walking Lunges

For Time:
100 Burpees

Día 10
Warm Up
Amrap x 10
10 Push Up
10 Squat
10 Sit Up
10 Sprawl

Strength/ Skill
4 Rounds
20 Hollow Rock + 20” Hollow Hold
-Rest as needed between rounds-

100 Jumping Jack
90 Lunges
80 Mountain Climbers
70 Jumping Squat
60 Dips
50 Sit Tru
40 V-Up
30 Pike Push Up
20 Burpees
10 Hand Release Push Up
@mamaoc No, es perfecto! I'm a New Zealander living in México and all my workouts are given in Spanish instruction so it' was good to read your cues to reinforce what I'm learning. Just wasn't expecting it. Thanks for the post, gonna try a few of these for sure.