At home workouts

@skymarie I solely use the peloton app for all my workouts. I actually just hit 450 strength classes today! I usually do 3-4 days a week strength classes and also add in getting in some steps. I also do the peloton bike about twice a week and yoga once a week. I have found this to be the best split for me and I really enjoy my workouts. I’ve noticed a lot of muscle growth from starting to lift weights, I’ve recently been able to increase my weights a bit too. Also I weigh also basically the same as you.
@skymarie I hate going to the gym. If you think you'll be more motivated at home, then invest in a quality exercise mat, some light weights, and a YouTube Premium subscription. A yoga mat, block, and strap won't hurt.
@skymarie I love my peloton ap, I started out at home and just joined a gym like 6 months ago and I do my cardio then at the gym I go to the open area and do a peloton strength.
@skymarie I work out at home. Since November, I’ve moved up from doing bodyweight exercises to lifting weights. I bought a 100 pound barbell/dumbbell set from Walmart and I’ll either do a circuit workout using Fitify or a rep workout on my own. I also like Lift with Cee on YouTube.

I had ok results doing the bodyweight but I wasn’t as toned as I would have liked. Since incorporating weights, I’ve noticed I’m a little more defined and stronger. I’m only able to lift 34 pounds now; I’d like to be able to lift 50 by June. Plus I had plateaued at 166 before weights, now I’m down to 161.

I also have a 15, 20 and 45 pound adjustable kettlebells as well as resistance bands I incorporate into my weight workouts. Sometimes I’ll just do kettlebells for cardio but I only do that 1-2x a week.

You can most definitely get results working out from home.
@skymarie I workout exclusively at home. I have a Bowflex Max Trainer and a Treadmill and Apple Fitness +. I make time everyday, usually in the morning, to do a 30-60 minute workout of some type. It’s my favorite time of day.
I’ve lost and maintained a 40 pound weight loss for over 3 years.
@skymarie I use workouts on the FitOn app, dumbbells from Target, and a treadmill pad exclusively at home. I’ve lost 40+ pounds (in conjunction with a calorie deficit.)
@skymarie I’ve started doing Natalie Heso’s home workouts (same name on YouTube & instagram) about 3 weeks ago and I’ve seen a big difference in my strength and I’m seeing some recomposition happen. I’d like to lose more fat already, but I’m trying to just be consistent and trust the process. It is slow progress, I’m only down 1 kg, but my measurements are a few cm smaller, and also I’m not in much of a calorie deficit.
@skymarie I try to go to the gym once or twice a week to do machine work outs.

But I get plenty done at home doing dance cardio and my like 4 dumbells I have at home.

I had been doing 2 like 2 hour long gym sessions twice a week. I'm now doing 20-60 minute work outs every day and I feel like I'm getting better results.
@skymarie Yep! Haven’t been to a gym in 7 years! I’ve also got done good equipment tho.. dumbbells kettlebell trampoline bands and ankle weights
@skymarie Are you doing the peloton strength training? I'm looking to add strength training into my routine but it needs to be an at home workout. What equipment do you use?
@jeskalynn Yes I am. I currently have bare bones equipment - a yoga mat and dumbbells (5, 10, 15, and 20 lbs). It works for the strength classes they have available!