12 days of lockdown


New member
Hi guys thought you might appreciate this. There was massive hype around the 12 days of Christmas wods so thought I'd pass on this little ditty our gym out out today for the at home programming there is a bodyweight option too if anyone wants to see it and a barbell version further through the post


Here we go!

After my test of this the other day, I’ve done an alternative version for people who want to have a bit less volume and/or don’t want to be at this for an hour or more 😂.

Also, if your kettlebell/dumbbell is a bit too heavy for the full, Roided Up version , take a shot at the Slightly More Sensible version.

Here it is... enjoy!

“The 12 Days of Corona”
💉 “Roided Up Edition” 💉

(To be done like the song... 1.... 2,1..... 3,2,1..... 4,3,2,1.... etc.)

1 x hang KB cluster (each side) 32kg

20 x dubs

3 x goblet squats 32kg

4 x single-arm devil press 22.5kg (4 each side)

5 x burpees

6 x alt oh reverse lunge 22.5kg (6 each arm)

7 x alt dB snatch 22.5 (7 each side)

8 x hang dB clean and jerk 22.5kg (8 each side)

9 x HSPU

10 x 1arm DB Thrusters 22.5kg (10 each side - do all 10 1 side then switch)

11 x Russian KBs 32kg

12 of everything (12 each side on relevant stuff.... and 120 dubs)


The 12 Days of Corona
Slightly More Sensible Edition

(To be done like the song... 1.... 2,1..... 3,2,1..... 4,3,2,1.... etc.)

1 x hang KB cluster 32kg

20 x dubs

3 x goblet squats 32kg (3 total)

4 x single-arm devil press 22.5kg (4 total)

5 x burpees

6 x alt oh reverse lunge 22.5kg (total)

7 x alt dB snatch 22.5 (7 total)

8 x hang dB clean and jerk 22.5kg (8 total)

9 x HSPU

10 x 1arm DB Thrusters 22.5kg (10 total)

11 x Russian KBs 32kg

12 of everything (120 dubs)


As an example (if you haven’t done a 12 days before - or have but get confused!)... you would do:
1 x hang kb cluster (each side)
20 x dubs + 1 x hang kb cluster (each side)
3 x goblet squats + 20 x dubs + 1 x hang kb cluster (each side)
4 x single arm devil press each side + 3 x goblet squats + 20 x dubs + 1 x hang kb cluster (each side)
And so on.

So, as you can see - the difference between the two is that you don’t do the allocates reps each side on the KB/DB work - it’s just a total number. Still try to divide your reps between each side as much as possible.

This is a good option if your available KB/DB is a bit too heavy.

If your KB or DB is a bit on the light side, don’t adjust the reps - just go faster!

1x hang cluster
3 x front squats
4 x burpee + gtoh
6 x OH alt reverse lunges
7 x power snatch
8 x hang power clean and jerk
10 x thrusters
11 x deadlifts
To save on time (unless you have 2 bars in the house) just use one weight.... Rx would be a whopping 60/40kg but SCALE APPROPRIATELY! It should be a decent weight but You should be able to do 8 x hang power clean and jerk in 1-2 sets.

Scale HSPU to Hand-release press-ups, double rep single-unders for dubs, if your KB is too heavy for a hang cluster, go hang squat clean instead (or hang power clean + front squat) scale oh lunges to front rack lunges

If you only have a KB or a DB (not both) - use what you have, the movements are fairly interchangeable.

This could take a while (especially the Roided Up Edition), so attack it! You don’t need to pace it... that will happen naturally as you get deeper into it!
@lindasword TIL when Australians sing the song it’s on the first day of Christmas They get a partidge in a pear tree.

Then on the second day they get a partidge in a pear and and two turtle doves...