16.5 will be the hopper WOD from 2007 games


New member
Clues: Dave mentioned this being the 10th year of the games, HQ has a boner for history and makes sense to test something that happened year one.

Work out is:
1000m Row

25 Pull-ups
7 Push jerks (135 / 85 lbs)

The Hopper WOD is the only one that can be done in an affiliate that makes sense for the open.

They are also doing announcement at the Ranch (16.5)

  1. You can technically consider C2B and pull ups the same movement, but last year we saw C&J and then power clean, kind of the same but different.
  2. This would probably be boring to see Smith, Fraser and Froning do.
@smithi Regular pullups have never been in the open because they're tough to judge chin over the bar. That's why it's been c2b. I don't think they change that now. And I think they would do calories if they use a rower. It's just cleaner regarding reps. I could see the hang squat snatch wall ball one from the 2010 games. Maybe it was 2009.
@dawn16 I don't think it's out of the question for them to finally use meters in an open workout. They've used that measurement multiple times at the games and regionals.
@fredindallas Ya. But everyone's scores would be like in the thousands then. Unless every 100m equaled 1 rep. But then people would be tying when they're 90m apart. That's what I mean when I say calories is cleaner. For OP's workout, it prob wouldn't matter, but in another workout with round or whatever, it might.
The hopper as listed above is a task priority workout, so everyones score will be the same, assuming they finish the workout. Everyone will be able to finish the row; its the WOD times that we will be comparing
@smithi 16.5 will be 11.5
16.2 will not have muscleups or rowing (more home gym type workout, think cindy and/or thruster type, possibly hspu
16.3 will have double unders (rope sponsor)
@papajoefreeman I can see why you would say 16.2 and 16.3, those make sense... what leads you toward 11.5...

TBH my first repeat prediction was either 15.3 or 15.4. It seems in line with their idea of pushing the community to PR something and to show how much more awesomer we are becasue we can all do Muscle ups and HSPU since it was in last years open.
@smithi with smith vs froning vs fraser, i just see it as a beast work out rather than a gymnast skill (hspu &muscle ups) perhaps a 1rm snatch thrown is as a 16.5a for good measure.
@smithi I don't see a hopper WOD being announced. They wouldn't be able to put up a video with standards/scaling options fast enough. They'd have to film all of the movements ahead of time. It would be a nightmare for the media/IT teams.

Edit: I'm an idiot. I read it as "A Hopper WOD," not "THE Hopper WOD."
@smithi maybe they can have a modified version of this wod, which would solve both the problems op pointed out. something in the lines of 5RFT 25 CTB 7 Push jerks (155) or some crazy ass variation to make it historical but challenging to today's athetes