How would you strategize this WOD?

@priest4him I’d probably come out too fast from the start, totally gas out early and spend the remainder of my time being overtaken by everyone else as I die.

That or not scale appropriately and end up in a similar situation.
@priest4him Hmm 20 kg barbell and aim for 5 thrusters per minute. Don’t go hot and keep at 5 per minute. And then be ready to question everything, your life, the universe, the purpose of existence, CrossFit etc for the next 20-30 minutes!
@priest4him Echoing what others have said about scaling the weight appropriately. Beyond that, I would choose a number of thrusters I know I can always do unbroken. Burpees are not an issue for me (I am short so I really embrace that). I would take my unbroken thruster number and turn it into an EMOM.

For me, at Rx weight it would look something like this: EMOM 13 (5 burpees, 8 thrusters)

If I scaled to 95/65 it would probably look more like this: EMOM 9 (5 burpees, 12 thrusters

In both cases I likely would not maintain that the whole time, and would lower the thruster number so that I get 10ish seconds of rest each minute as fatigue sets in
lol after reading what others have commented maybe my EMOM numbers would need to be lower. In my unprofessional opinion I would say nothing less than 5 though, and maybe even start with 6 so that it can drop to 5 and the 4 when you get tired
@priest4him Depends on what time frame you're shooting for and how strong you are at thrusters.. ive done kalsu sub 10 every time I've done it. Just doing 5 burpees then 10 thrusters each round.

The key is dont waste time on your burpees, knock them out and get to the barbell.

If your burpees are taking you 30 seconds to do then you are going to be in for a long ass workout and I'd suggest scaling those down
@priest4him I fell victim to thinking it sounded simple

“I can do 5 burpees a minute no problem”

This kinda ignored that the thrusters gave you no rest.

Just pick a number and try and stick to it. It’s hard but the most satisfying WOD I’ve done
@priest4him Every 5th minute I’d just do the burpees and zero thrusters. Allowed me to break the workout into five minutes sections and not go crazy thinking I was going to die.
@priest4him Scale to a weight you know, gun to your head, that you can do 5 every minute with. Even 95/65 will be tough for a large amount of the population. Most folks should approach Kalsu at 75/55 or maybe even 55/35 their first time through it and see how you do.

This workout can turn into a doom loop very quickly if you try to swing at Rx or even 115/75. You can get to the point where you don’t do any thrusters in a minute, and now you’re just doing burpees for 30-45 seconds with no chance at doing a thruster anytime soon as you get buried by more burpees the next beep.

I’ve watched several people do this workout and workouts like it (both Khalipa and Bridges are big fans of this style of workout) and have to take several minutes off to have a chance at continuing, even stripping weight in the process.

Another similar workout is in 1:00…perform 10/7 cal bike and then max rep power clean 135/95. Workout ends at 75-100 cleans. You’ll see people get caught not even finishing the cals, just stuck on the bike.

Always remember, scaling is cool. Rxing is all fun and games until the person that scaled correctly is done in 20 minutes and you’re still working an hour deep.
@priest4him I did this a few months back, and I will never do it again. There is no strategy, unless you just want to do 5 every minute. I tried that and fell off. There were a few rounds where I just rested and didn't do any Thrusters.