1st place Novice BBing | MUSCLE MAYHEM 2019

What’s up Reddit fam!​

I never got to update you guys on how my first competition of the szn went this past weekend, but I ended up taking 1st in my class at the @inbfmusclemayhem ...​

It was a very emotional memorable weekend to say the least.​

Overall this is the best I’ve ever looked.​

I’d first like to take a second to thank everyone who sent messages/well wishes. The good vibes are appreciated/10​

Myself & @christopher.barakat brought it, peaked pretty much perfectly. I prepped myself for a total of 36 weeks and in the tail end of prep.. last 3 weeks or so, I let Chris take over my prep as objectivity was getting hard A F.​

Giving the reigns of my prep to him was 100% a move that needed to be made and I’ve learned, so much not only as a coach, but athlete because of it. I can’t put into words how it’s felt all of prep to have someone I consider as one of my brothers by my side... but man when myself & Chris first met in 2016, little did I know what a large impact he’d have on me and my growth as an individual.​

@mattogus I have, so much love for you bby. Thank you for opening up your home for the gang this weekend, being a 5/5 star air b&b. I’ve come, so damn far since we first met. One of the biggest life changing experiences I’ve had was meeting Matt. He believed in me, before I believed in myself and that was the biggest thing that allowed me to pursue my goals relentlessly.​

If you guys are more interested in my journey to the stage/want to see DEXA scans/what I’m doing the rest of my season I encourage you to hit my IG as that’s where I talk about pretty much everything I’m doing!​

This weekend will always have a special place in my heart. I’ve never worked, so damn hard for something in my life. We ain’t finished yet. Time to make the most out of this szn, 16 days to improve.​

Started prep in JAN @ 195lbs​

Stage weight in JUL @ 155lbs Glycogen depleted​

5’ 11” for anyone who is curious.. training freq. is x5/wk, average cals/wk are 8-9k, 48hr refeeds every 7-8th day, steps @ 11-12k/day, LISSx4x400cal.. ~40-50min.. Protein intake has stayed high throughout prep @ ~1.5g/LBM and is brought down to ~1g/LBM for refeeds.. Strength relative to BW is still solid which I’m very happy about.​

[sup]^[/sup] also took a diet break @ 15 weeks out..​


Some shots :)

Some more shots :) & pre judging






@dawidservantofgod Congrats! I competed in Muscle Mayhem last year. Wasn't expecting to place, but used it as motivation for the gym. Taking time off to build more in the gym and then I want to compete next year (also took a year off because I broke my hand earlier this year...lol).
@salif EH... we will see, depends on how I’m feeling. Being this lean for extended periods of time isn’t fun, especially when trying to dig deeper for that crispy conditioning.
@mariusv Upper, lower, rest, chest/back, arms, legs

Macros lol....

Even if I gave you my macros it wouldn’t matter just because it’s all relative to the individual right..

Avg cal/wk ~8-9k