1st place Novice BBing | MUSCLE MAYHEM 2019

@dawidservantofgod As someone who is currently on a diet atm, I noticed that you said you're average weekly calorie intake is between 8-9k. On the higher range thats 1280 calories per day. As I've stated before I'm not diet expert but isn't that too low of a calorie intake? Would like your input on this. Thanks!
@gregorythenontheologian ALSO... periodizing your nutrition accordingly is everything during a contest prep (cycling calories.. utilizing frequent refeeds, or diet breaks)... the reality is (all relative to the individual it’s not black or white.. contest prep can be a walk in a park for some ppl.. or an uphill road to climb for others) you’ll have to push to the extreme ends of calories to achieve those lower BF percentages.. Competitive bodybuilding is an extreme sport and that’s something I feel like a good grip of ppl forget.

Ex: I had a client do physique @ the same show & he definitely didn’t have to dig as hard/long as I had to.
Not optimal/healthy at all, espc. For extended periods of time... but it’s what’s required for ME to make it happen. Hope this provided you w more context!
@dawidservantofgod For sure. I personally prefer competing through the NPC, but the fact that this sport gives the option is a big reason why its great. If you ever choose to jump onto the NPC stage, you’d probably do well since you have such a solid foundation for it. Either way good luck with it! 💪