225 lb skinny fat homie wants to get from 0 to 4 pull-ups

Hey guys,

New community for me! Hopefully it's okay to ask these kinda questions on here.

I'm a 6'4" ~225lb guy trying to get from 0 pull-ups to 4 in the next five or so months. Do you have any tips for me in the workout department? Do you think it can be done in five or so months?
@vinylsidingsavannahga Dude i went from being able to do 0 pullups to 10 in like a month. I started off with 4 sets of 6-10 slow pullup negatives. I would jump up to the bar and descend slowly. If you cant even manage that then do 4 sets of 8-12 lat pulldowns. Buying a doorway pullup bar helped me with consistency as well as i would bang out a couple multiple times a day
@isaac4 That's very motivating, ngl. I might be a little heavy to do 10 in a month, but I'm determined to get there! Trying to get into the police academy where I'm from and it's a requirement. It's a modest one, but one I have to get to nonetheless.
@vinylsidingsavannahga I think you can start from Australian pull ups, as well as pull up negatives. I went from 5 pull ups to 20 in a year. So you have to be very patient when it comes to pull ups. What worked the best for me was working in Pyramid sets. Started from 5 worked my way up to 10. Helps immensely to increase the endurance. Good luck!
@vinylsidingsavannahga Do you workout with equipment? Like in a gym? If so, start doing rows and lat pull downs.

If your at home you can use a lowered bar of some sort to help with your legs until you don’t need to. Also some under the table rows will work.

I weigh about 250, same height. I could do piles of pullups at 210 and under years back, @ 250 they are harder, but I still do them a couple times a week. It’s quite possible if you want it.