24.1 and ego

@mike24 As a someone your height, just slightly lighter (like 225) I can see your frustrations. There are plenty of things we have in our favour, but unfortunately things that require the extremes of our range of motion (ground to over head, bottom to top of squat, etc) take longer than they do for the average heighten person, let alone elite crossfitters.

Let the reality sink in, accept your result, and if your life allows it, understand that this is not your last open, and you have huge potential compared to where you are.

And remember that the open is about testing, and not training. Keep showing up to training consistently for the 11 months of the year that there isn’t the open, and you will see the improvement you are longing for just now.

I’m on my 5th open this year and will be over the moon if I can rx all of the workouts, with the reality being that I should scale at least one of them. Progress takes time, and more of it if you are a little older than most.

Stick in, stay humble, and have fun. The day it stops being fun, this isn’t a hobby anymore and has become an idol.
@mike24 The open has this magical effect on people. It’s always way harder than you think it will be. I have 7 years in, I was pretty sure I’d finish at the 10 min mark. 13:27 👎🏼 You will see great gains in the next year so take the open for what it is, a test of your fitness. You’ll find your holes and be able to target them in the upcoming year.
@craffte I tend to get lower back pain from exercises with the rower and KB swings. My lower back hasn’t bothered me at all since doing the workout on Friday.
@mike24 I am 55 year old male. I did it RX at 50#bd. It is a tough wod I finished in 13:50. I was also pushed a lot by the younger guys in the gym so I did the 50DB.
You did great man keep hammering away. CrossFit is a grind at times, trust the process, and focus on recovery.
@mike24 Try it again. You will do better. I lDid it Friday, got 13:22. Paced it better today, got 11:59. Got told I can probably go faster if I can breathe properly through the burpees (I was wheezing) but I’m not doing it a third time lol
@mike24 Fellow 6’4” newbie here. I started in December, did the workout RX, went crazy in the 21’s and ran out of steam at the end. Didn’t finish - left 16 reps on the table.

I was bummed not to finish, but from the people in my gym to the people in this sub, I’ve learned that:
  1. This was not a tall guy workout.
  2. The open is a way to gauge your progress from one open to the next, not to determine your worth as an athlete.
@mike24 I'm similar to you. 6'4", 250 lb, 42 years old. This workout was hell for me. I was borderline quarterfinals last year but have dealt with a bunch of things over the last year (significant elbow tendinitis, a significant wrist sprain, and being very annoyed with my gyms programming) that definitely had a significant impact on my fitness. I spent more time working on olympic weightlifting than anything cardio related.

The best I got was 173 reps RX in 2 attempts. I figured I would at least finish so it's a gut check for me. I'll use this to reignite the flame and stop the complacency.
@mike24 If there is one thing that I learned from crossfit it's when I look at a workout and say to myself "That doesn't look too bad" it's going to be bad.
@mike24 This is my sixth open. I have come in under the time cap one time and it wasn’t 24.1. These are competition workouts, do your best, enjoy your effort, and move on to the next week. I have been doing CrossFit for 8 years, turning 50 this year, 165 lbs. I did 24.1 scaled and got 164 reps.
@mike24 If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Let’s dig in here a bit. I want you to be better, and achieve your dreams, so keep in mind that is my sole intent with this post.

Sounds like you’re confident pacing could be improved. Sounds like you had enough no reps to seriously hurt your score, too.

Why not set up a solid pacing plan, time out your burpees, figure out how many you need to do a minute (7-8), and try again?

I think it could be a great opportunity to get some confidence and motivation back going into week 2.

You tried, that’s all that matters. None of us are going to the games. Do you really hate this feeling, though? Maybe competition isn’t your thing. I feel like you should give it another shot though, and feed off this mental energy when it hurts.
@mike24 Learn from it, give yourself some space to process and keep at it!
It WAS hard! It’s ok that it’s hard.
Gear up mentally for 24.2 - and have fun!! Remember, however you do is OK!!
@mike24 The Open is about testing yourself, pushing harder than you do in any other workout(s) of the year, learning and maybe repeating a workout based on what you learned.
@mike24 My favorite part about crossfit is that it's almost as much about strategy as it is fitness. Knowing when to pace and when to go all out definitely matters.

As far as whether you should have done the open or not, my favorite part about it is that it gives you something to compare yourself to year over year.