3-4 week cycle to improve S/B/D numbers?


New member
So I haven't been able to linear progress for the past 1-2 months. As the title suggests, I am trying to add some more methodical programming to my lifting and gain some strength, preferably a 3-4 week cycle (not a full routine, just a progressive overload method for my SBD). As it is now, im topsetting every week for SBD.

Current Stats 1RM (lbs):

5'7 @ 135bw

Squat: 225 lbs

Bench: 175 lbs

Deadlift: 255 lbs

Current Program (I vary a bit, but this is the general gist)

Day 1:
  • Squat (top set 3 reps followed by drop sets ~5-10% less for 5x3)
  • Snatch 5x3 ~80%
  • Snatch Technique Exercise (like Hang Snatch) 4x3 ~50-70%
  • Hanging Leg Raises 3x12-15
Day 2:
  • Bench (top set 3 reps followed by drop sets ~5-10% less for 5x3)
  • Flys 2-3x10
  • Clean and Jerk (5x3) ~80%
  • Clean and Jerk Technique Exercise (like Hang Pulls) (4x3) ~50-70%
  • DB Curls 3x10
Day 3:
  • Deadlift (work up to approx 85% of 1RM, followed by drop sets ~5-10% less for 2x3)
  • Bent over Rows (supine grip) 3x8-10
  • Front Squat 3x8-10
Day 4:
  • Snatch or Clean + Jerk 5x3 ~80%
  • Back Squat (Repeat same weight used on Day 1's drop set for 3-4 reps 6 sets)
  • Good Mornings 4x8
  • Plank 60 seconds hold 2 sets
Day 5:
  • Bench (Repeat same weight used on Day 2's drop set for 3-4 reps 6 sets)
  • Incline Bench 3x8-10
  • Back Cable Row 3x10-12
  • Lateral Raises 3x10
  • Tricep Extensions 3-4x10
Planning on bulking to 148 lbs and hopefully compete in the 67kg class for powerlifting before end of next year.
@andy11111 Look into Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program. There are a lot of variations but the one I would suggest looks something like this... Take 90% of your real 1 rep maxes and use that as your training max (TM). Then week 1 you do 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5, 100%x1, then a 5x5 with 65%. Remember, these percentages are based on a 90% training max. First cycle should be very easy. Week 2 you do 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3, 100%x1, then 5x5 with 70%. Week 3 you do 75%5, 85%x3, 95%x1, 100%x1, and then 5x5 with 75%. 4th week is a deload where you work up to your TM but don't do the 5x5 at the end to reduce volume and let you body recover. After this, you restart the cycle and add 10lbs or 5lbs to your TRAINING MAX. 10lbs for lower body lifts and 5lbs for upper body lifts. Keep doing the cycles and you should make steady, linear progress on a monthly basis. It might seem slow, but give Wendler's articles or books a read and try it out. There is even a 531 subreddit.
@drudgeon Thanks for the reply! Yea I was considering doing 5/3/1 as well. Wondering if it's fine to do this progression with the current program I have? I know that Jim Wendlers a stickler when it comes to doing mish mashes of different programs together.
@andy11111 With 531 you'd want to do a 4 day split. 1 day for squat, bench, deadlift, and ohp. You can do a 5x10 for variations of these so for example on squat days you can do Romanian deadlifts right after for 5x10. On deadlift days you do front squats, bench days you can do incline bench, and ohp days you can do close grip bench. And that's pretty much it. You can add 1 or 2 accessory movements such as pullups, rows, bicep curls, etc... but usually the workouts are very intense and can be done within 1.5 hours. But definitely give 531 books or articles a read. The program I described in my other comment is a powerlifting version which is suited for your goals.