3 hours too much for full body weightlifting 3 days/week?

@godisworking101 tldr: your program kinda sucks, and you could be spending way less time.

3 hours PER session? how do you have a scheduling conflict with a gym, but have 3 hours to do a bunch of isolations?

find a proper program in thefitness.wiki, and then spend 40-60 mins per session 3 days a week at a proper gym. (tho if you have barbells and plates and a bench? guess you still couldnt bb squat as easy, but you could still have a better leg program than you do now even without bb squats).

PS doing as many sets just for BICEPS as you do for your whole leg routine seems cartoony has hell to me
@dsandoval12 not really, i had a blood pressure scare last december, and i felt it was high time i made a real change in my life

i have good control over my nutrition ( i always cooked my meals so food intake was easy to make long term changes), so i believe i'm in a good place for these routines being long term

also working out from home means i can watch a nice series/movie so this is kind of a nice break in my day

i suppose in the distant future when my wife and i will hopefully have kids, the routine will change noticeably, but this is the routine for now
@godisworking101 Sorry to hear about your scare, but glad things are ok.

3 hours is a ton of time for a workout (and will absolutely go away when you have kids).

How much time do you take between sets? You would increase your metabolism and reduce fat (if this is a concern) by working out at a faster rate.
@godisworking101 If you’re trying to build mass, the general rule is heavier weights, less reps (target 6-8), and decent rest between

If you’re trying to cut, then it’s lighter weights, more reps (10-15), and less time between.

I’m impressed you can keep your focus for so long.
@dsandoval12 thank you

i am cutting, 10 reps per set, i will try to minimize rest times

as far as keeping focus, i like lifting, probably longer rest times help with enjoying it and makes it feel less like torture lol
@godisworking101 I’m gassed after like 40 minutes of intense strength training. At three hours, you aren’t pushing anything with any sort of intensity that’ll produce the sort of adaptations you want out of weightlifting. It might barely even constitute as conditioning compared to similar amounts of light cardio. There are better ways to spend three hours exercising.
@godisworking101 I'd try to cut the volume by 2/3 and improve on exercise selection, e.g. cut the core work down to just 2-3 on the ab roller for now, probably remove arm isolation exercises for the time being [or do 2 sets each if you insist], skip front delts and rear delts and traps, for rows instead try rotating every other workout between the low bar rows and a higher pull (e.g. Pendlay Row)-- the high rows should hit your rear delts in the same way that benching hits anterior detls, swap pushups for DB benching of some kind [if your bench adjust angles pick a couple and rotate these between workouts as well] and for quads do Zercher Squats [you can do this from the ground or from your bench] -- if you want you can pair these with leg extensions for a quad pre-exhaust superset.

note: this still doesn't involve overhead work which could have mobility implications. I have a hunch you should skip the ab wheel and lateral raises on say Wednesday and do some kind of standing overhead press instead.
@cosimnot thanks, very helpful suggestions

since i exercise from home, i can't reliably do the zercher sqauts without safely picking up the barbell from a rack

and the issue with db benches is that with pushups i can control my wrists much better, with dumbbells i risk hurting it, as i did recently

and i stopped overhead presses after anterior pelvic tilt messed my back, i know i should focus on keeping my back straight, but my simple brain can't focus fully on my back and the shoulder lol. i find i can control delt raises much better

i can retry the presses though, and look at your other suggestions, much appreciated