3 x 3 workout

@prabakaran Sounds interesting. This is something I’d like to try. Maybe just starting out you’ll have to have little rests in between sets but after a few weeks in, maybe you can start reducing that rest time.
@prabakaran As long as it's a minute, less "or so" meaning dinking around on your phone for the next five minutes, you should be fine.

I tend to get a breather between rounds, but only then and only as long as is necessary.
@prabakaran Do you do any aerobic or conditioning work now? Or have a background of aerobic/conditioning?

The program is conditioning as well as strength. Like a CrossFit WOD or strength bootcamp. Because you are cycling through different primary muscles you should be able to eventually do this at a fair clip.

But, when starting this program like this it may take time for the conditioning aspect to trigger your adaptation to it. That will take a few weeks to develop to a point where you notice it is easier, and may take 5-6 weeks before you can do a workout and not be breathless coming out of the 3rd set of squats.

You want to accelerate your conditioning tack this on to your work at the very end. 5 minutes, as many burpees as you can do. Increase the number each workout if possible. Rest if you need to during the 5 minutes but aim for as many burpees as possible. After a couple of weeks, you won't think the other stuff is hard. Once you find the rest of the workout is easy, stop this if you want.
@barewitness My conditioning work now consist of 3 to 5 rounds of heavy bag work. I have a Muay Thai and kickboxing background.

Yesterday, I did this workout, then 3 rounds on the bag.

My real issue is I don’t workout as much as I should in the last few months because of work.
@prabakaran Not that vastly different, from what some of us older gym rats, called railroads, back in the day! The minimal, or no breaks between sets, and working each set to failure, is certainly comparable. I believe the primary difference to be, that it is usually implemented only periodically, compared to the steady three times per week, for longer periods. It is certainly a good breakthrough program to implement, in order to push past that dreaded mental / physical "wall" that most reach at times, and makes perfect since in getting a more rewarding, physical metamorphosis, when becoming stagnant!