31yo 5’3” 131lbs: Did a Dexa Scan yesterday that has me absolutely shook… found out I’m OBESE with 35% body fat percentage

@kabriana Actually, the same thing happened to me. I went in for a DEXA thinking I was going to get a pat on the back for all the weight I'd lost, but it turns out I was skinny fat and had lost a lot of muscle mass on my diet. I had so little muscle that even though I was fairly thin, I was at 37% body fat, which qualified as obese. I was upset and wanted to get a different answer so I went for a BodPod body composition test. The result was within 1% of the DEXA. They recommended that I increase my muscle mass. I was super mad for days, but eventually I was like, DEXA is considered the gold standard of body fat measurement and BodPod is a close runner up, they couldn't both be wrong. I just accepted it and moved forward with a goal of gaining muscle mass.

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