[33M, Vegan 4 years] Slow and steady progress - figuring out balance for consistent gains


New member
Hey folks,

I've started working on my fitness for about a month now to shed my post-2020 weight and replace it with muscle for stability and better health. I've gone from ~220lbs/24.5% body fat to 206/23.2% body fat as of today which is good, but I did reach a point where I started losing muscle due to not enough protein (I've never really tracked macros before). I've changed that, and now muscle mass is either maintaining or increasing, which is great!

I still feel really weak when doing push-ups like this because it's clear that my form wasn't great, but I'd rather do some reps really well than just rush it and think I'm doing well.

My current routine is simple, aiming to reduce visceral fat and maintain if not increase muscle:

Monday/Wed/Thurs is J&Ts bodyweight strength training (video) x2, along with chair lifts. This is followed by 30-180 minutes of low intensity exercise (walking up/downhill while reading a book).

All other days are 2-4 hours of low-to-moderate exercise (usually biking on trails, but sometimes just powerwalking).

Nutrition-wise I've never really dieted before, so not gonna lie I'm kinda winging it:

I do the half-your-weight-in-protein thing now, which seems to be working out (usually lentils, tempeh, peanut butter, etc) .

I haven't measured my calories from day to day but from the times I've checked it's near my BMR.

Has anyone else done the whole fat loss and muscle growth at the same time thing? I figured I'd have to lose the fat first with a deficit then gain lean mass with a surplus.