How to respond to an anti-vegan trainer?

@david292 Right, which is a diet. Having only to do with food. (plant based)

Veganism also applies that to all other aspects of life. "Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose." So a way of life, no just a diet.
@david292 I would say you are following a vegan diet, but do not choose to live a vegan lifestyle. Most people in this situation say they eat plant-based if they do not wish to imply ethics. However, plant-based can be a loose term to some, which is why I find this can be confusing.

A vegan abstains from using animal products as far as practicable including in and outside of their diet. This includes personal care products, fashion, etc.
@david292 If you do not agree with the Vegan association Ethical Stance, you are not vegan strictly speaking.

People still use the term vegan informally to refer to people in Plant Base Diets.

But being technical, no, you are not an ethical vegan, that is the original meaning of the word.
@david292 The joke is this: A vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat meat or fish. A vegan brags about it and is the equivalent of an SJW worker for animals.
@jamesf123 The irony in her using the word "sustainable" is pretty laughable. So long as you supplement B12 there's no deficiencies in a vegan diet/meal-plan. There's not much to say either way about omni vs vegan being better for health aside from red meat causing colon cancer but really I would just ignore it, hit your macros as show proof through progress. Don't let the (wo)man get you down!
@jamesf123 Fitness trainers aren’t nutritionists or dietitians. If you think you can get over this sticky point with them, cool. But I would immediately find a new trainer.
@jamesf123 I don't take nutrition advice from fitness trainers. Just like I don't take fitness advice from nutrition researchers.

That's my basic attitude and I don't feel obliged to even answer back to this sort of stuff.

Start with this attitude and the answers, if you choose to give them, will come naturally.
@jamesf123 Alright I am a certified personal trainer and we are not allowed to discus dieting with clients. It’s not in our scope of practice. We can discus general healthy eating practices but not the specifics she is suggesting to you. Does she have other certifications? If not, ask her what qualifies her to say these things. If she’s says her pt cert lets her than she is very wrong.
Edit: by diet, I mean altering nutrition specifically for clients (like calories). This still leaves us a lot of wiggle room but again, we can’t do what she is doing
@jamesf123 by not giving them your business. as health professionals it’s literally her DUTY to be educated and welcome all walks of life regardless of their lifestyle. very unprofessional and i would advise seeking who her certification is under, to call/make a complaint about her license...
@jamesf123 There are plenty of vegan trainers or vegan friendly trainers out there

Has this not come in a year? If your trainer isn’t talking about diet/nutrition with you find one that does
@jamesf123 she does not deserve your money at all. what a rude person, you can do so much better. i wouldn’t waste time trying to change her mind either.

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