34M - multiple injuries and getting back on the wagon - 5/3/1 or 8/6/3?

@markusdrury Curious about what your injury diagnosis is and what the physical therapist is telling you to do to fix the problem. Mostly because my story is almost identical to yours. Was just getting back into shape last spring and injured my shoulder. MRI showed a tear in one of my rotator cuff muscles, not too severe, but pain lingered for months nonetheless. PT criticized my posture and says I need more flexibility in my pecs. Working with him hasn’t felt too helpful TBH. Just over a month ago I started this Happy Body program that I randomly found through a YouTube video. For the first time in about 9 months I feel like I’m making real progress. It’s a mixture of light weight work and flexibility related moves. If you’re interested, look up Jerzy Gregorek. The Happy Body book is on amazon too.
@christiangirl4life She diagnosed shoulder impingement, which I gather is a catch-all term - I only had pain at extremity of motion and while pressing. She suggested band pulls with my shoulders retracted, stretching my chest and unweighted flyes (V, T, Y shape - the former with palms down and the latter with thumbs up) in sets of 15 each day.

She also said exactly the same thing about my pecs - I'm only three sessions in so far and it's covered by my health insurance so happy to just see how it goes. I think my posture probably isn't helping.