36(f) looking to lose weight just starting to work out


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36(f) currently overweight for all the reasons and they’re all mostly my fault. Anyways, just finally found the motivation to get up and out to walk/jog in the mornings. I’ve currently done 1.5 miles daily half walk/half run and in 5 days time I’ve managed to shave 2 min off. It isn’t much but it’s something. I know I could be doing more as far as diet and exercise but I don’t know what. I’d genuinely like to lose 50lbs but idk how realistic that is without professional help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
@strivingservant Yea I went into this with the ‘play the long game’ mentality. I’d like for this to stick and be a lifestyle change rather than a quick fad diet gain the weight back in 5 months situation, because I’ve been there and it’s depressing.
@rynno Let me preface this with saying I’m in no way sponsored lol! I use something called MyNetDiary (IOS app) to track my macros. You can set a goal weight and the amount of weight you want to lose and it will give you a weight plan with a daily calorie budget. It really helped me gain an insight in how much extra I was taking in and also motivates me to exercise because that gets added to your daily budget (an option in the settings). I weigh in weekly to track my progress. The only downside is that you have to input what you ate for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks, but it has a searchable database with a lot already in it. I love it so much that after a while I got a one time offer for a discount on a year of premium it instantly took it. It just gives some neat extra insights and an auto pilot feature for your calorie budget so it auto adjusts the deficit according to how close you are to your goal weight.

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