45yo female beginner wants to lose weight and get stronger

@mika2020 What really helped me kickstart my weight loss back in 2018 was getting a Fitbit, and logging everything I ate into my fitness pal. The Fitbit app now lets you log food and MFP isn’t even needed separately (although I like MFP’s tracking features myself) but just setting a goal of 8,000 steps per day @ my heaviest while really learning how many calories I was consuming a day opened my eyes. Then I started meal planning for about 1200-1500 calories per day while getting at least 8-10,000 steps in, and I ended up losing 50 lbs within less than a year. I’ve lost 50-70 total since November 18.
@mika2020 In my personal opinion, if you have to resources and means to see a nutritionist then do it. If you have preexisting conditions or a history of high blood pressure or maybe high cholesterol your diet will look different. Get some blood work done ask them to look at vitamin deficiencies etc. Talk about diet options with a professional. As for building muscle, the FAQ is great to try out different routines see what you like, and create different goals. You can even start doing bodyweight things like doing a pushup challenge to get started. Good luck and keep us updated. I am excited to follow your journey and see what sticks.
@mika2020 How much do you run? miles per week? Because you sound pretty active in which case adding more cardio isn’t going to help much, though a strength routine will help with your strength goal. I actually have an easier time losing weight when I’m running less. Running 30+ mpw means that I really need fuel, my appetite is high and a deficit feels like an impediment to my fitness goals. I have about 10 lbs to lose myself and if I were to do a cut I’d run 15-20mpw, lift 3x a week (only 30-45 mins per session, I do GZCLP) and eat at a 200-300 cal/day deficit.

You CAN lose while race training but I personally find it challenging.
@lukejacquedouglas Yes! This is the problem. When I’m training and increasing mileage, I am also always hungry. Great advice on where to cut back. That seems to be a place where I can start. I’m also recognizing that I need to log everything everyday and get honest w myself about calorie consumption to see where I may be wasting calories.

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