5/3/1 For Oldsters - Part 2 - Don’t abuse the “+” sets


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The response to my first thread about 5/3/1 for the over 30 crowd was tremendous. I want to continue with a number of follow-up threads covering different aspects of the program, and sharing the tips and tweaks I’ve used to fine tune the program for my over 30 needs. Some of these discussions will overlap because it’s hard to separate a lot of these things into discrete topics.

I’m aiming to post these threads once a week until I run out of ideas. Some of them will be long (like this one), and some will be a lot shorter. Again, I’m only speaking from my experience, and there are plenty of others on this board who have been running 5/3/1 for a long time. I hope they will continue to offer their perspectives on these threads.

Today I want to address something that came up on the first thread: the “+” sets. This is a good place to start because it’s such a big part of the program, and because I know from experience that the over 30 crowd must approach these sets with a great deal of discretion. If you’re a 20 year old on 5/3/1, you can perhaps afford to be a little cavalier and push those “+” sets as far as you can. But as I learned the hard way, there’s probably no easier way to ravage an over 30 body than by abusing the “+” sets.


If you missed it, last week I ended up in a little argument about what exactly Jim Wendler says about the “+” sets. Truth is Wendler has said a bunch of different things about the “+” sets and some of them seem (and maybe are) contradictory. Unless it’s a deload week, you’re always trying to exceed the minimum number of prescribed reps on the final work set. The first week you do 5 or more. The second week it’s 3 or more. For the third week, 1 or more. But how many more should you really do?

In the 5/3/1 book Wendler says “The last set of the day is all-out. You’ll be going for as many reps as possible.” If that’s all you read, then it sounds like he’s advising you to go to failure, and it’s plainly obvious to me that a whole lot of people stop reading right there. But that’s not what he intends to say, as he makes explicit in the very next sentence: “I hesitate to tell anyone to do anything to failure, because that's not what I'm after. I wouldn't prescribe this.” So how are you supposed to think about the “or more” part of the “+” sets?

I think the best answer is the one given in the book’s FAQ: leave at least half a rep, or even one full rep, in the tank. This is also the answer Wendler repeats elsewhere. Indeed, elsewhere he suggests leaving more than one rep in the tank. His website’s FAQ, for instance, suggests leaving “at least 1 full rep in the tank,” and also adds that “Jim always leaves 2-3.” That FAQ, in fact, even says that “many people would be best served if they did the last set for the set reps…or just a few over and call it a day.”

How do you know if you’ve got another rep (or two) in the tank? Some of that is just experience. After a while, you should develop a pretty good sense of your body and its limits. But I also think this is usually predictable, provided you pay close attention to your rep maxes.

If, for instance, I lifted 90 lbs for 8 reps in week 1, 95 lbs for 6 in week 2, then (using the Lander formula) my rep max for week 1 would be about 113 lbs, and 111 lbs for week 2. I also know, for upper body at least, the Lander formula has proven fairly accurate for me. So if I’m lifting 100 lbs in week 3, I should almost certainly get 4 reps (a rep max of 110), and I might even get 5 reps (a rep max of 114). I would also know that 6 reps (117 rep max), though not impossible, could prove a stretch.

If it were me, and it was a lousy day, I’d probably settle for 4. Sure I’d leave one or two in the tank, but 4 is still 400% of the minimum, which isn’t too shabby. If things went well, I’d be ecstatic at 5 because that would be a modest rep max. But if I hit 5, and started to wonder if I could do just one more, I hope I’d put my ego aside and walk away. Better to leave that last one in the tank.

It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that the most critical part of the final set isn’t the “+” repetitions, but the prescribed minimum. Get the minimum, and you can rightfully progress. Get more than the minimum, and that’s just a bonus. It’s a great bonus, and one you definitely want to push for, but it’s not the absolutely essential part of that set. It’s not what really counts.


Leave something in the tank so that you can come back and lift another day. How’d I learn this lesson? Here’s the story of my deadlift. (‡)

When I started 5/3/1 deadlift was probably my very best lift. I’ve got long arms, and the movement came naturally to me. My weight had always gone up and up and up. I also discovered that I could deadlift at pretty high volumes. Even if I left a rep in the tank, I was still achieving rep maxes well above my tested true max. That was my undoing.

I always went to town on the deadlift “+” sets because I could go to town on them. I took that as a sign that everything was going great. And it was -- for five or six cycles. Then I’d completely fall apart. It wasn’t that I was approaching my true max. It was that, seemingly without warning, weights I’d lifted easily the previous cycle (or even the previous week) just wouldn’t budge, and it felt like every cell in my body was saying “hey, jerk, we’re not doing this crap anymore.” It wasn’t just a bad day. I was fried.

I tried all sorts of things. Instead of 10 lbs increments, I went with 5 lbs jumps. No change. I changed up the assistance work. Didn’t make a difference. The only thing I didn’t do was decrease the volume on the “+” sets. I kept pushing those, because my instinct was always to work harder. After the third time, I got it through my head that maybe, just maybe, the “+” sets were the problem. So I capped the reps on those sets.

Just because I could do more, didn’t mean I should do more. Sometimes I’ll do two additional reps. Usually I just do one. Some days I don’t do any extra reps at all. Today I regularly leave two or three reps in the tank. The result: I feel like I’m finally in control of my deadlift progress.

In retrospect, the problem and solution were glaringly obvious. I just couldn’t see it, because I was so caught up in destroying those “+” sets, and obliterating my old rep maxes. (‡‡) But I had it all backwards. The whole point of 5/3/1 is to progress from month to month, and year to year. If destroying the “+” sets actually ends up destroying you, then you’re not going to progress.

‡ Deadlift may not be the best example here, but it’s the only one I’ve personally got. A lot of people think high rep deadlifts are nutty. I’ve come around to that view myself.

‡‡ The really crazy thing was that I didn’t treat any of my other lifts like deadlift. For press, squat, and bench, I was always cautious and conservative in my “+” sets.


So those are my thoughts about the “+” sets, and the story of my horrible, not-to-be emulated, example. I’ve got some more to say about rep maxes, but that’s for another time.

For now, let’s leave it at this: You have to balance things right if you want to make progress in the weightroom, and if you’re over 30 you probably have to balance things just right. If you’re not careful, those “+” sets can be an almost irresistible temptation to screw up that balance. And for a long time on my deadlift, boy did I ever screw it up!
@timhieuvetrello great stuff again, thanks.

I swear I read something in Wendler (or maybe just somewhere online) about capping the + sets. Even if you have more in the tank, cap them at 10 (or whatever is appropriate for you). I do this because honestly at 11,12, 13 reps you're starting to get sloppy and just chasing rep records. Getting 10 good reps is possible, but after that it's much harder to stay tight and focused and becomes more about endurance.

A big lesson of 531 for me was the not going to failure part of it. aka Never miss a lift (Dan John talks about this a lot too). I never understood this initially. You always hear talk (esp when i came up in the early 90's) about that failed lift, the one that needs a spot, building all the muscle. And this talk is still all over the gyms today about that grinding one that dies and needs a spot is the one that builds everything. 531 of course preaches, never miss a lift, rack it when you still have gas in the tank etc. It's a very different approach and I believe much healthier. When you're failing, you're pushing, your form goes to $hit, you're flailing about trying to get that weight up. But if you're strong and in control, it's much less likely to get injured.

i also like that you keep all the accessory work down in makeable ranges. Those aren't important in the grand scheme and you should not be maxing them out.

In 8 cycles of 531 I've missed two lifts. One a + set of OHP that I thought I had yet another one and didn't (opps) and when I finally peaked out on OHP and had to reset I couldn't get the 1+ to lockout. (and I knew it was going to be close, the whole cycle had been very tight). And yet I am WAY stronger than i was 8 months ago and almost as strong as I've ever been in my life despite being 20 years older. (stronger in some lifts)
@jesusdaughter155 I don't remember if it's Wendler or if it's just conventional 5/3/1 wisdom, but I've certainly seen people say that if you're hitting double digits on the "+" sets, then maybe you ought to increase the training max a bit more than the recommended maximums -- i.e. more than 10 lbs lower and 5 lbs upper. I think that's an option, but not one I'd personally rush to do. And I certainly would not do it two cycles in a row.

The older I get, the more I listen to Dan John. I agree, he's right about never missing a lift. You don't need to fail lifts to get strong. If anything, my experience is just the opposite. I rarely fail lifts, and I never court failure intentionally, but every once in a while I misjudge my strength. When I fail I almost always see a physical (not just psychological) after-effect that I attribute to the failure itself. Failure isn't where I gain muscle; it's where I burn out. I go over 100%, and if I do that, then recovery is very hard and I actually end up a little weaker.
If anything, my experience is just the opposite. I rarely fail lifts, and I never court failure intentionally, but every once in a while I misjudge my strength.

Still on more or less beginner programming here... I've found myself misjudging like that quite a bit, largely out of a belief that I ought to be able to progress at X rate just because how un-advanced I am. Gets really frustrating sometimes, but I guess it can't be helped.
@jesusdaughter155 You're not imagining - he does suggest that he knows of people who use 5/3/1 and generally program it to hit an approximate maximum. He suggests a couple schemes, which I don't exactly recall, but they are similar to 8,5,3 for example, or 10,8,5.
@timhieuvetrello I found your deadlift example interesting, even though I'm not running 5/3/1 anymore... I just finished week 3 of my first cycle of the Mag/Ort deadlift program, which calls for a final set of 8+ at 70% or your 1RM. (Well, it's 70% the first couple weeks -- then it starts going up by 10 lb. increments.)

Since I'm in just in week 3, so far it has been OK for me to push it out to 12 reps. (I'm gassed for several minutes after that!) But I'm thinking it may be smart to dial it back as the weight goes up. We'll see how it goes...
@timhieuvetrello I'm really enjoying these posts on 5/3/1, enough so that I started the program this past Monday.

Assuming you are lifting 85% of your 1RM for your + set on week one, 90% on week two and 95% on week three then if you want to equal your 1RM on your + set you can use the formula to figure out how many reps to do and the answers are (wait for it...) 5, 3 and 1.

If you follow the program as directed then this 1RM should only be 90% of your true 1RM so if you want to hit your true 1RM on the + sets you need to lift 9, 7 and 5 reps on weeks 1, 2 and 3.

Going too far beyond these maxes would seem to contradict the philosophy of the program which I see as slow, steady progress.
If you follow the program as directed then this 1RM should only be 90% of your true 1RM so if you want to hit your true 1RM on the + sets you need to lift 9, 7 and 5 reps on weeks 1, 2 and 3.

That is only true for the very first cycle, and for the first cycle after a reset.

Since you're adding (maximum) 5 lbs upper and 10 lbs lower to your training maxes every cycle, in time your training max will converge with your true max. (Which is actually when you end up resetting.)

Right now, in fact, my training max for press is (I'm pretty sure) almost exactly in line with my true max. Next week is my 5/3/1 week 3. I'm just hoping for a single on press. I'd consider a double, a miracle.
@timhieuvetrello That's a good point. So if my max reps start dropping over time all that means is that my 1RM is not increasing as quickly as the weight I'm adding each cycle. I just started the program so I haven't run into that yet.
@jellybug78 If they really start decreasing, then something is wrong because that'd mean you're losing strength.

More likely, your rep maxes will just plateau, or increase only very slowly.

At some point, if you keep increasing your training maxes, your week 3 weights will align with (and even surpass) your true 1RM. At that point you'll get one rep (or fail). When that happens, it's time for a reset. Some folks actually prefer to reset before that point.

That's where I am with my press -- barring a miracle.
@timhieuvetrello Wait, what?

Let's say you have built your squat up to a tested 1RM of 405 using some kind of linear progression, conjugate method, dumb luck, etc.

You then go on 5/3/1 and set your training max for the squat to 365 (90% of 405.) It would take somewhere between 4 months (being really aggressive and increasing the TM by 10 lbs per cycle, which is probably not recommended) and 8 months (being more conservative and increasing the TM by 5 lbs per cycle) for the TM to build back to 405.

If you spend 4 to 8 months training just to grind out a single at your previous 1RM, in what way can you be said to have gotten stronger?

If you reset your TM every time it converges on your true 1RM, how will you ever get stronger?

Am I missing something here?
Am I missing something here?

Yes. Your rep maxes should be increasing.

So even if your rep maxes start out close to your original true max, over the course of several cycles, they should start to exceed that original true max.

If all goes as it should, when your training max the weight lifted and true max converge after several (and hopefully many) cycles, your true max is going to be higher than it originally was. So you wouldn't be grinding out a single at your original true max, but rather at a higher new true max.

This happens not because you hit your OLD true max. It's because your training maxes eventually increase faster (and more relentlessly) than your rep and true maxes.


edit -- It does occur to me that I don't explain this the best way. I think about it in terms of my rep maxes progressing more slowly than my training maxes, because that's how it looks on one of the graphs I use. But it probably makes more sense to say that your weights (particularly the 1+ day weights) eventually surpass your true 1 rep max.
@timhieuvetrello I swear to god I am actually a pretty smart guy, but I absolutely can not follow what you are saying here.

How are you using the "rep maxes"? Are you using then to predict 1RM and then saying that since the predicted 1RM exceeds the tested 1RM that's evidence of a strength gain? If so then I guess we just philosophically disagree. I don't think anybody should claim a 405 squat (for example) if they've, you know, never actually squatted 405.

In my experience, my TMs never converged on my previous 1RMs because in the 6 months it would have taken to build them up, I didn't get any stronger, so I actually stalled out at weights below my previous 1RMs.
@notsonicely It's not a philosophical argument. It's what my training logs show. These graphs are a bit stylized (real logs are messier), but pretty much everything I've ever done on 5/3/1 has looked like this:

Or like this:

(I'm happier when it's the first one.)

As I said with my correction: eventually the weights you're trying to lift converge with (and even exceed) your true 1RM. At that point, you're looking at a reset. I've never had to reset below my previous 1RM max. I always end up doing my previous 1RM for reps.

You seem to have a had a really bizarre experience on 5/3/1. I honestly think it's atypical.
@timhieuvetrello What is the blue "rep max" line? Is that an actual tested 1RM, is it a calculated 1RM based on something like "I hit 7 reps at 345, so...", or is it just the actual weight lifted for a certain number of reps, etc.?

The fact that it goes up over cycles leads me to believe it is not an actual tested 1RM because you would not be doing that every few weeks on 5/3/1, or even at all.

I get it that your training maxes and work sets (that's what your "weight lifted" is, right, because that should always be lower than your training max and the difference between them should be constant) all converge with this number, but since I don't know what this number is it's hard to understand what's going on in your graphs.
@timhieuvetrello I'm also having a bit of trouble following this. Just to be absolutely clear: when you say "rep max", you mean "estimated 1RM" (based on the number of reps hit in the "+" set)? That's what I'm inferring from context.

That would also explain your reply to shellerik above:

If they really start decreasing, then something is wrong because that'd mean you're losing strength.

More likely, your rep maxes will just plateau, or increase only very slowly.

I believe /@jellybug78 was referring to the number of reps on the "+" sets, whereas you're talking about "estimated 1RM".