51m never been active. With no activity during covid I’m needing guidance. Need to try and turn it around


New member
I’m not fit at all never been to the gym in my life. Not sure if that’s a good idea now as I would do myself an injury

I need to start slow I’m feeling I’m getting to the point I don’t know if I can pull my health back.

I shovel snow and always now pull a muscle.

Go grocery shopping and the next day it feels like a run a marathon I’m that unfit

Is walking really a good way to try and kick start again. And some basic weights I’m not even sure the best way to start that or even the proper way to light without injury I do have a few small hand weights.

I’m a little overweight for my height about 180 I believe I should be 160. 5ft 8”

Need to just strengthen everything

Advice wild be great even about what to eat
@steffi I started walking in July. Like 10’mins after any meal. Walked 55 miles in December. Start slow and add a little each week. Also. 52m. 343 in April 2022. Today. 233. Slow and steady with whole food has really helped.
@steffi Good luck. It isn’t easy but worth it. At 53 (today) I have more energy than ever. I can do a lot of stuff I gave up. Like go carts with my son, top golf, not fearing booths at Waffle House. Lol. Fitting through the rock path at lookout mountain.
@jurasicd Dude/dudette you are awesome. Walking 55 miles in one month is amazing and losing more than a 100 #%}[sup]%#[/sup] pounds in 8 months is mind blowing.

Please share the changes you made to your eating habits. Congrats!!!
@mythicangel516 343 lbs Apr/22
233 lbs dec/22

I started watching these doctors on YouTube.
Dr Jason Fung
Dr Lustig
Dr Erik Berg
Dr Pradip Jamnads (amazing)

Only water and unsweet tea (no sugary drinks)
Very little refined carbohydrates. Whole food only. If it has a barcode and more than 5 ingredients I don’t eat it.
Eliminated sugar as much as possible. Ill have a cookie now and then).
No sweets basically.
Not much fruit and not everyday.
No breads and pasta (very little). I use Extreme Wraps instead (lots of fiber)
No snacking on snack foods like chips, pretzels
Intermittent Fasting.
(Most days 1 meal, occasionally 2. Rarely 3 meals).
avoid seed oils
Started walking for 10-20 minutes after each meal (30-60 min each day) and biking more

A1c went from 6 to 5.1.
Blood pressure 140’s down to normal.
My fear was losing a limb to diabetes at some point.

Once I learned about how insulin effects weight it really clicked in my head.

Wife and son also doing this. We shed 160 lbs so far as a family
@jurasicd Here are some tips for losing weight over the age of 50:

Eat a healthy, balanced diet: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks, and limit your intake of added sugars and unhealthy fats.
Get enough physical activity: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week. This can include activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming.
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help you feel full and may also help with weight loss. Aim for at least 8 cups of water per day.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
Seek support: It can be helpful to enlist the support of friends, family, or a healthcare provider or weight loss professional.
It is important to note that weight loss becomes more challenging as we age. It may be necessary to be more mindful of your diet and exercise habits in order to see results. It is also important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any weight loss program, as they can help you develop a safe and effective plan that is tailored to your needs.
@steffi I agree with AmbivalentFanatic, get a doctor's checkup first. I've spent a couple years looking for this kind of information and there is very little on the internet. Most advice and videos are for older people who are lifelong runners/athletes/bodybuilders. Some will show before/after pictures and say "I did it, you can too!!!" but not actually have advice.

The most useful things I have found so far are these videos by Joe Wicks on youtube. He has all sorts of videos for more advanced people, but there's a selection of low-impact beginner exercises for seniors. You're not a senior yet (I'm m65) but it's a good place to start.

Bob & Brad are two physical therapists who deal mostly with older people's concerns. They have everything from exercises to ideas for stretches, warm-ups and dealing with injuries. They also have lots of general advice about how aging affects us physically.

When you feel you're ready Anabolic Live on youtube has some good strength building videos using bands and dumbbells. You'll have to search around there for beginner videos.

-and Stonegen70 is right. Walking is the best beginner exercise. And it clears your head.
@karengodsgirlk2 Thank you for some good advice I will book to see my doctor and I have stumbled on Bob and Brad videos before.

I’m starting with walking I’m aiming to do 20 minutes a day for now until I see my doctor

The feedback seem to be very positive here I’m pleased the folk on this sub are supportive.

Thanks again
@steffi Start simply walking. After a few weeks, start a light weight training regime. The weight training will change your life in more ways than you can imagine (less pulled muscles). Increase as you feel stronger. Develop an agility routine, it can be simple movements but a game changer to people over 50. It's as simple and hard as that. LOL!

Believe me, I struggle with this! You will be glad you get in better shape. I've focused on it for 7 months now and I feel amazing (57 yo). Before that I was a blob of sluggishness that didn't feel like doing anything and hurt all over all the time. Currently working out 4 to 5 days a week, strength, cardio and agility. Agility being my favorite. You can find videos for free to do any of this, this costs no money at all. Some of the fun of it for me is searching for new ways to exercise. Recently started playing Pickleball and it's awesome! Depends on where you live and what's available for you, but look around and try something new too to get you out of your comfort zone. Meet new people. May fall in love with something totally new!
@steffi I agree with a doctors visit before you start any program. When cleared …check out DDP yoga. This program helps with flexibility, strength and cardio without any running or jumping. I am 62 and started consistently using this program back in April. I have lost 50lbs and several inches and I am for flexible than anytime in my life.