After more than 3 years doing only cardio because of a shoulder injury today I manage to do 8 pull ups, I never though I´d be able to do it again

@poeticamuse Bare in mind that I´m 1,68m and 62 Kgs so I´m skinny which makes the exercise significantly easier.
I´m also getting my diet straight in the last month to gain some lean muscle I´d like to gain 3/4 Kgs.
@dawn16 I know people that work in the medical business, some friends and family, they recommended different people that suggested different treatment and I tried them all, sorry but I don´t know the right terms in English but I tried electrostimulation, acupuncture, massages combined with heat and cold gels, anti inflammatory medication, etc.
I saw the top orthopedist in my area, some professionals specialized in recovery from sport injuries, one osteopath, did ultrasounds, MRI, tried pretty much all people suggested me.

It only managed to reduce the pain but unfortunately not in returning to active training, but I guess it did help in some way.
@bongiwe Perhaps you are trying the wrong approach to your specific problem, I know I did, and ended up wasting a lot of time and money on the process but on the other hand if you don´t try you can never get better, so don´t give up!
@michaelweiss Congrats! Been working around a shoulder injury for almost a year now. It's kinda what got me into bodyweight exercise even more, switching to pushups instead of bench press, which helps me avoid the pain.
@michaelweiss Hi. I'm 4 weeks 1 day into recovery for a shattered right scapula (climbing accident). Any advice to share? or rather, is there anything you wish you'd done differently from the onset of your injury?
@downhomegurl07 Well, yeah, looking back I wish I started doing stretches and working on my form/posture as soon as I finished the treatments for the pain rather then trying to train with some weight, fail, wait a couple of weeks ago, do it again, fail, repeat until I eventually stopped trying at all. That´s the only advice I can give but I´m not an expert at all, I´m just speaking related to my experience, obviously everyone should see a doctor first to get a professional view on his problem.

Also just don´t give up, I know too well what it´s like to feel like the pain will never get any better and to feel like an old person because you can´t train but there´s probably an answer to your limitation somewhere somehow.
@michaelweiss Awesome, had planned to look at yoga along some running after physical therapy and once greenlit by doc, so that sounds assuring.

At this point, I just want to be able to stand, sit, and/or walk without it hurting 1 hour in. So frustrated over how much time I have to spend laying in a wedge pillow cocoon
@michaelweiss Congrats! I have the opposite problem... was a cardio queen and ended up hurting my knee at work. 1.5 years later and at least I can bike pain free now and the RR has helped to keep me fit.
@michaelweiss Make sure to always set your shoulders before doing any sort of lifting. I take my time doing arm circles and other sorts of dynamic stretching before lifts, and some static stretches afterwards. Pull ups are kind of rough on the shoulders, especially wide ones. Be careful.
@jps729 Yeah, I do a very careful warm up before doing any strength work specially pull ups that for now are the exercise that I´m currently doing that I feel more on my shoulders, no so much the chin ups those I can do Ok.

No only do I stretch before but I also do one set of 12 with 35 Kgs and one set of 6 with 45 Kgs, both very slowly, on the lat pull down to properly warm up, then I spend some seconds just hanging from the bar, rest a bit and only then start the push ups. For now it´s been working I still feel a bit sore on the right shoulder but not pain so I believe it´s just the body getting used to the workout.

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