53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS


New member
I've been actively lifting for 38 years now, so I am not new to this game and completely recognize the adjustments to Testosterone and recovery as I've gotten older but my muscle soreness is off the chart lately. Granted, I probably still train like I'm 20 but my split (single body part/day) allows at least 48 hours before touching the muscle again (i.e. Tri's get hit 2 days after chest).

I've tried infrared sauna, foam rolling, streching and I follow workouts with BCAA's but still find myself continually sore. Now, I also do BJJ 4 days a week so I'm not exactly taking it easy in my old age.

Question/advice - Are you finding yourself sorer than you used to be and if you've conquered this issue, what have you done that's helped?
@karengodsgirlk2 Fairly sure there is some overtraining going on for sure. Have tried the couple of weeks off before but still end up in the same place. I know I need to adjust the split and have already begun reducing the set count down per body part.
@jllll 52M here long time fitness advocate. I don’t sleep enough and I drink occasionally. DOM’s is at least a 3 day experience after heavy sets. Prior to 45 it was always a 2 day thing.
Protein, sleep, active recovery, and lower incremental steps on my linear progression program help.
@jllll 56M, I'm more sore than I used to be but I also train more rigorously now. I'm currently on a 6-day PLP and the soreness is generally gone by my next workout.

Regarding the general joint pain, I have to deload every fifth week at this point to keep from having to halt everything due to joint stress. I do that for three mesocycles and then take 2 weeks for active recovery/deload before I start the entire training block again.

So in a 4-month period, I'm in deload/active recovery for at least 4 weeks.
@jllll 53/m. I have been down the gym for a long time. As soon as you do cardio (running - biking - ...) after lifting heavy there is no DOMS. You need to get your HR up in order to remove the waste in the muscles.
@vegdar It's both and I'm used to it (and look we all kind of crave that soreness that tells us we hit it good). Tendon issue is separate and I'm addressing that as well. I'm just trying to fix the constant soreness - either through a change in my approach or supplement.
@jllll I hear you I'm a 63M I don't get muscle soreness too often anymore after changing to lighter weight. I hit my size goals now I'm maintaining and defining. Good luck hope you figure it out.