5x5 w/ KBs

@missingthemark I like Mike Mahler's 5x5 with kettlebells, where you do A1, rest 1 minute, do A2, rinse and repeat 5 times, then do B1, B2

Day 1:

A: Double Floor Press + Double Renegade Row

B: Double Front Squats + Double Snatch

Day 2:

A: Double Military Press + Double Row / Weighted Pull ups

B: Double Front Squats + Double Swings

Finish both with some windmills / core and you're done for the day. Do them in A/B/A fashion. Or make up your C workout and do A/B/C

If you go heavy enough (he usually means HEAVY) you can start from 3x5 and progress to 5x5-7 and then you might be able to graduate bells (I think I recall him talking / writing about 10x5 but might not be the same gist there, seems like a lot of heavy reps in one workout.