6 day hypertrophy plan


New member
Intermediate 6-day program. One mesocycle is approximately 4-6 weeks (depending on systemic fatigue) then I'll perform a deload week then repeat until I decide to change my program up again. For each exercise the first number is the number of sets for the first week and the second number is the last week of the mesocycle (e.g. day 1 I don’t perform any sets of military press on the first week, but the last week before I deload I perform 2 sets of military press). I also optimised this program to target shoulders and back muscles more while only performing maintenance volume for arms. I'll work out reps later, most likely smaller muscles/iso exercises will be higher reps, larger muscles/compound exercises will be lower reps. Here goes:

Day 1
Military Press 0-2

Lateral Raise 2-4

Leg Extension 3-4

Barbell Squat 1-4

Standing Calf Raise 3-4

Seated Calf Raise 0-2

Day 2

Barbell Row 3-4

Lat Pulldown 0-3

Barbell Bench Press 2-3

Dumbbell Flies 2-3

Leg Curl 2-3

Trap Bar RDL 1-4

Day 3

Lateral Raise 2-5

Standing Calf Raise 2-4

Seated Calf Raise 1-2

Cable Triceps Extension 2

Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension 2

Face Pulls 2-4

Day 4

Chin Ups 3-4

Low Row 0-3

Military Press 2-4

Lateral Raise 0-2

Leg Extension 2-4

Front Squat 2-4

Day 5

Barbell Bench Press 2-3

Incline Barbell Bench Press 2-3

Hammer Curl 2.5

Preacher Curl 2.5

Leg Curl 2-4

Back Extension 1-3

Day 6

Lateral Raise 2-5

Trap Bar Row 2-4

Dumbbell Pullover 2-4

Dumbbell Front Raise 0-4

Standing Calf Raise 2-4
@brianwatts I hope you're a pretty advanced lifter if you've decided this is something that will achieve what you're looking for. Starting with a single (or zero) set of certain exercises is a bold strategy, let's see how it plays out
@adviceplease Haha, any day with a zero set exercise had another exercise that targets that muscle group 😅 my thoughts are if I'm only doing 2 shoulder sets in a particular day why do 1 military press and 1 lateral raise?

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