6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF

@7an13l So I notice on the DEXA scan report it calculates your resting metabolic rate to be ~1200 calories. This seems really low to me? Or maybe I just am a person who needs to eat more food? I know that calculation doesn't include daily exercise, but do you find that number to be accurate? If you were eating a 300 cal deficit I can't imagine you were only eating 900 cals/day!
@noamx Hey! As some other commenters said, I ate about 300 cal less than my TDEE not BMR. With my level of activity I estimated my TDEE to be 1900-2100 calories, though I’ve never been committed enough to accurately track and calculate my real TDEE.
@waj30 Is there a difference between TDEE and BMR if you have a sedentary lifestyle? I just started working out again 3 days/week but before I was sitting in class 8hr/day. Was my TDEE and BMR the same when I was getting
@noamx Even in sedentary lifestyle there is a difference between BMR and TDEE. BMR is comatose state. Even lifting a pen per day means your TDEE is higher than BMR.

Also, OP was very active, so her TDEE is probably around 2k calories. No reason to not be able to do 300 calories deficit at that point. No where did OP suggest her deficit was from her BMR (and it wasn't, considering she maintained all her lean mass as per DEXA, she did an amazingly intelligent cut).
@noamx Yeah BMR would be like if you're just laying in bed all day not moving at all you're just existing, TDEE accounts for not only the added exercise you put in but also like just moving around being a human and stuff
@7an13l How did you increase your steps to 10,000 a day? I’ve been trying and it’s been so challenging. I live in a cold climate and in a city that is car based plus I’m a student. I’m always discouraged when I feel like I die a ton of walking and it turns out it was only like 4,000 steps. You look great btw! Congrats on the progress!!
@emygdius Thank you! So I’m lucky in that I live in California and we don’t really have seasons, haha. But I set a goal for myself to go on a brisk walk for my entire 30 minute lunch break, and take frequent breaks at work to get up and move a bit. I also walk 2 miles home from work sometimes. I’m sure this is more difficult in real winter 😕
@7an13l Where do you go to get a DEXA scan? I've always wanted to do it but for some reason had it in my head that it was expensive and reserved for athletes or something
@wamiti This company is called Body Spec - I believe they are just in California. The scans cost around $40. I’m sure the options and prices vary depending on where you live, but it’s worth looking into!