6 month DEXA update! 31% to 25.7% BF


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New DEXA results + progress pics

Original DEXA results post

So I posted the results of my first DEXA scan about 6 months ago and wanted to share an update with my progress! Since the original scan, I have lost about 10 pounds of fat while maintaining all muscle mass. While I had initially planned to slowly recomp, this turned into more of a mini-cut. Overall, I'm really happy with my progress! It was nice to confirm that the weight I lost was entirely fat, and I kept all my hard-earned muscle during this process. 💪


My workout schedule over the last 6 months was very similar to my original post. The main exception is I've incorporated more running (~3 miles, two or three times a week) instead of stairmaster for my cardio. Another change I've focused on is to just generally move my body more outside of the gym. So I've made a big effort to get closer to 10,000 steps each day, which is really challenging sometimes since I work a sedentary office job.

I also incorporated small and sustainable changes to my diet to slowly lean down. During the work week, I meal prepped consistently and set my calorie goal to a moderate (~300 cal) deficit. I found it easy to stick with this goal during the week and still have tons of energy to lift weights, run, and be more active! On weekends, I worked on being mindful with food and drink choices. My alcohol consumption definitely decreased in this period which I’m sure helped my progress.

Future goals:

I am planning to sign up for a half marathon in fall of 2019! I know this will be a challenge since I’m not a natural runner, haha 😄

Other than signing up for my first race, I don’t have any specific fitness goals for this year! I’m going to keep working out 5-6 times a week because I love it and it helps me manage stress. At this point in my life, I’m happy with my body and just want to continue exercising and eating healthy to feel good 🤗

Thanks for reading!
@7an13l eee this is inspiring! I just scheduled my second DEXA in a couple of weeks. It's technically been 7 months since my first scan but within that period I took a month-long chaotic family vacation + chaotic christmas/NYE break where I did not stay no track soo I'm hoping for some reduction in fat, but nothing drastic. You just motivated me that much more :)
@7an13l Love to see this! I had a DEXA back in October with similar body fat
and stats (32%, 5'6" 141) and I got a lot of comments that the body fat seemed too high. This post makes me feel like the first one was definitely accurate, and also that progress can be made over short time periods! Great work!
@7an13l Oh wow this is great! I just started a similar endeavor with the same goal and basically the same setup. Long, very slow cut in order to target visceral fat in my case and of course preserve muscle. Thanks for sharing your results!!
@7an13l Wow! You look great! It’s really interesting to see how you look by losing 10 lbs of fat. And you didn’t lose any of your muscle! This is exactly what I’m trying to accomplish myself.

Thanks for sharing, it was really insightful. Your work def paid off!
@dawn16 I do an upper/lower body split!

Typical exercises on upper body day: pull ups, dips, lat pulldowns, bent over rows, face pulls, cable rows, overhead press, Arnold press. Usually end with a bodyweight circuit (push ups, plank shoulder taps, commandos, etc).

Typical exercises on lower body day: Smith machine hip thrusts, Bulgarian split squats, leg press, cable front squats, abductor machine, hamstring curl machine, glute pull throughs, single leg Romanian deadlifts, cable kickbacks.
@7an13l Thanks for the motivation! I’m an inch taller and 169 lbs right now, but my body comp scale has my body fat percentage at 30.2%. Seeing your pics, I think my scale is a filthy liar! I’m pretty sure I have way more fat than that.

I just set up an appointment with this company, they have a mobile scanner coming to my town in 2 weeks! Excited to see what it says.
@jay1082 Thanks for the info! Based on your post history (awesome cosplay, by the way!) you look more slender than me as well. I carry a lot of fat in my stomach and thighs, like a disproportionate amount imo. Definitely thinking I’m going to be in the mid-30s at least.
I know this will be a challenge since I’m not a natural runner, haha 😄

We are all natural runners. Us, human kind. Also, already running 3 miles 2-3 times a week, you have plenty of time to get in racing mode and to train the distance until fall. And, don't say anyone, but you might be a runner already :p

I know you didn't ask, so you may ignore this, but I would recommend doing a couple of 10ks before, just to get used to racing atmosphere. Doing a half as a first race can be overwhelming and ruin the fun of it.

Anyway, enough babbling on my part, actually came here to say you had an absolutely fantastic progress! Thanks for sharing.
@bubblegum2021 I was going to say the same thing. Also, r/running has an awesome group of folks for motivation and training questions.

Quick first time training recommendation from a long time runner: make your training plan longer than you think you need. And, more importantly, learn the difference to my mind isn’t in it pain and actual pain. Don’t run through actual pain (goes without saying) but you’d be surprised at how training for a race throws otherwise sensible people for a loop.

Good luck!

Great job!
@7an13l I don’t have anything of substance to add but just wanted to congratulate you on that progress. You look great and the numbers definitely don’t lie! Awesome!!!!