6 Week Progress: Data


New member
I didn't take "before" photos when I first started, but I love data and have tracked my changes since starting a weightlifting / strength training program.

Background info: I am 35F 5'2" and around 130 pounds. I started the year completely sedentary at 165 pounds but lost the first 30 or so pounds through calorie restriction and minimal workouts (Pilates and walking). Then decided to get serious about recomp.

6 weeks ago I started seeing a personal trainer 3x per week. We did the below measurements on Day 1, and since today marks exactly 6 weeks in, we did measurements again to see if and how I've improved. I am overall very happy with the changes (especially since the scale hardly moved at all) and already have my calendar reminder 6 weeks from now to check in again! I was not surprised to see I've lost the most from my legs and the least from my arms, but I was delighted to see the pinch total go down as much as it did.


Weight (clothed)
134.25 lbs
133.5 lbs
-0.75 lbs

Pinch Totals
58 mm
49 mm
-9 mm

38.5 in
38.0 in
-0.5 in

30.0 in
29.25 in
-0.75 in

21.5 in
20.3 in
-1.3 in

10.3 in
10.0 in
-0.3 in

Body Fat %

He also calculated my lean body mass and noted that it went from 101.35 to 105.2. I don't know as much about that number except that it basically translates to a higher metabolism, so he encouraged me to eat a little more each day to continue to fuel my body.

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