7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)


New member
26F | 5'3 1/2" | 137 lbs

DEXA Scan Result

Before After

Backstory: I got a DEXA scan done back in January 2021 to see how COVID lockdown had affected my body composition, and it was a wake up call because not only did I gained more fat I had lost muscle. I was very surprised actually because my weight did not fluctuate that much during 2020. I had a period of several months where I did absolutely zero exercise. Not even a short walk. Then I slowly dragged myself out of that funk by doing 20 minutes of home workouts each day until late of 2020 when I was able to go to the gym on my military base for an hour a day (we had to make reservation ahead of time and was only allowed one hour). My commercial gym opened back up in March so I was able to do my full workout routine without rushing.

Routine: I workout 5-6 days a week. 2 dedicated cardio days consisting of a combination of steady state, moderate, and high intensity cardio, 2 upper body days (one push, one pull), 2 leg days. I throw in a couple of abs exercises at the end of maybe 3-4 days. I always prioritize the main lifts such as squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead press. Each of my gym session is about an hour and a half to 2 hours long depending on the day.

Diet: My diet is extremely flexible. I do not track calories and nothing is off limits. I cook mostly Asian cuisines (just grew up eating that stuff and my taste buds enjoy the flavor profile most), but I do try to make them "healthier". All-you-can-eat Korean BBQ and sushi are my go-to dining out options. I don't have cheat days. I've tried that before where I'd eat only "healthy" foods, save the "junk" for a cheat day, and I'd always end up overeating.

Ending note: The recomp process requires much patience. I've never done a bulk or cut cycle. I've gained a total of 10 pounds over 3.5 years of lifting. Most of the time, I look in the mirror and think that I look the same... so I think that progress pictures can be a much better indicator of progress. I don't plan on ever competing so my goal is just to improve my gym performance over time and to maintain a somewhat decent physique!
@colamex I know this post is a little old, but can you share what program you follow? Your before/after is exactly the trajectory I'm aiming for. I'm fit and well-acquainted with lifting and most everything else fitness. I currently workout 5-6 days/wk but looking for something more hypertrophy focused now to build mass/recmp. I'm going to start a new program next week, looking like I'll try DLBs for awhile and see how that goes unless I find something else more promising.
@dawn16 Ah no worries. So I actually did my own routine consisting of 2 leg days (one quads/glutes day and one hammies/glutes day), and one push and one pull day. So I'm guaranteed 4 days of resistance training and if I have time I'll do 1-2 days of conditioning/cardio :) I'd say my training is more of a powerbuilding style. I always start my session with one of the big main lifts going heavy and in the 4-6 reps range followed by accessories in the 8-14 reps range.

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