Slow but successful recomp progress! F/40/5'0" [51.5>51kg] 7 months

@pamray62 You look fantastic! Thank you for posting, as I am 39yo with 2 small kids and also working on recomp. It's nice to see success stories for us "older" ladies.
@pamray62 You look amazing! I am of the same height and your pic is telling me that 112lbs looks different depending on the work I put in it. I hope I get there soon! Great job again and very inspiring!
@pamray62 I am currently on a cut. Original goal was 115 and I am close to it now but realized that it is not enough for the aesthetics I am after.

I searched pics of 5’0 fit women and they were all closer to 105lbs. That’s not happening on my mom bod so my new goal is your flat tummy!
@relate4ever You think I have a flat tummy?! Woo-hoo, thank you!!

My original goal was 105-108 because that's how much I weighed for years pre-kids. I got down to 108 after weaning my 1st, but that was mainly through diet, so I was hungry all the time and my face looked a little drawn. In my wiser years, I realize I prefer to have a bit of padding and muscle and more leeway in my diet than a lower number on the scale. Much happier this way. But I could stand to lower my bodyfat %, which is currently around 27%!
@pamray62 Oh yes you do! You have that strong core look! You look much lower than 27% too!

I did get down to 105lbs because breast feeding is awesome! Then slowly gained the weight AFTER weaning lol

And yes I also looked gaunt and starved then. I am aiming for the muscular look now.
@pamray62 Wow. I would not guess your body fat was that high based on your pics. You look seriously amazing. And yes, your tummy is FLAT!!! Wowza. Mom goals! I think I still need to drop more weight before I'll see results as good as yours, but that's okay. It's good to have goals.
@pajamasam777 My lift progress isn't really impressive, lol. I know I'm not pushing myself as hard as I could, so that's next up for me.

Squat: 15kg -> 37kg
Deadlift: 25kg -> 50kg
Bench: 15kg -> 30kg
OHP: 15kg -> 26kg
@pamray62 My wife uses body weight fitness as she has many similar time constraints with kids and work. Whenever she can bang out a few lunges, dips, planks, squats and the like while hanging with the kids has really added up overtime.

Great work.
@anniebug Thanks! I also did bodyweight fitness for a year when my son was a baby and I didn't have access to a gym. The recommended routine at r/bodyweightfitness gave me really great results even at 2x a week.
@pamray62 That routine is amazing! I use a lot of those moves as accessories to my weight lifting program, and I still religiously do that wrist warm-up.
@pamray62 Thank you for sharing. This is really inspiring, our stats are similar and I started to recomp June 2019. Mine will go a lot slower since my workout program is not that heavy due to rehabbing injuries, and taking the rest of this year easy to heal. So while I still exercise 5-6 days a week, the intensity is lower.

I have to admit I am surprised your cals are that range at maintenance. Mine according to my sheet are in the 2000 range. But I am 1.75 inches taller and in the 52kg range so that makes a difference.

I am still tracking calories, unfortunately for me, although I have been counting calories for decades, I had a count book before the Internet, I still can't seem to get my shit together on maintenance. I really like your approach to tracking weight and adjusting from there, though if you are not tracking calories anymore maybe you are having more than 1500-1600?

What would you say was the most difficult adjustment?