70kg to 60kg - 101kg deadlift

@millenialsaint You didn’t do any cardio? What did your daily eating like?

I eat once or twice a day usually. For some reason I just don’t get very hungry so when I first read about intermittent fasting I thought “Wow, that’s something I’m doing already without having a name to call it”. Haha. Point being, I don’t eat much because I don’t get very hungry and so I only sometimes reach the “recommended calorie intake for women” but usually fall short. Not sure if that’s hurting me or helping me.

I just started 5x5’s a week ago and I’m excited to see the progress but not sure if my caloric intake will have any negative or slower outcomes to what I’m working for. Thanks.
@fribus I didn't do any cardio apart from trying to get 10k steps a day, daily eating would usually be, protein bar and veggies for snack, chicken breast salad for lunch and then usually chicken breast with cheese sour cream and salsa with veggies for dinner, then a small gelato for dessert
@fribus I'd ignore the recommended calorie intakes. They don't account for height or activity level, and are more of a guideline for the general population. Use an online calculator and enter your personal measurements and activity level.

That said, if you're only eating once or twice a day, you're probably going to struggle with gaining strength or muscle mass.

Your appetite should increase as you lift heavier, but you simply need to make sure you're eating more or your lifts are going to suffer. "I'm not hungry" won't cut it