71 year old bodybuilder Dr. Josefina Monasterio! (X-post from /r/fitness)


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Dr. Josefina Monasterio is a 71 year old bodybuilder. She shares her inspiring philosophy, lifestyle and fitness on her Youtube channel.

She explains you don’t have to do as intense a workout as she does everyday – waking up at 4am to pray and meditate, then walk three miles, run three miles, 30 minutes of yoga, and then weights for two hours. She says, one can simply walk for 30 minutes a day if that’s more realistic for you.

“One of the best secrets to keep yourself young is to build your muscle mass,” says the fitness guru. “In my philosophy, you eat everyday, you breathe everyday, and you exercise everyday.”

@ryanb92 This is so crazy to see! I used to take yoga classes form her with my mom when I was much younger - she is truly inspirational! Always crazy to see someone you know in real life on here.
@ryanb92 I want to have this much energy when I'm 71. As a 21 year old, I'm surrounding by women who are dreading getting older. Seeing older women enjoying life just proves to me that there's nothing special about your 20s.

A true aspiration this woman is
@pidgie There's something special about your 20's! But... There's also something differently special about your 30's, 40's, etc. Each decade has a flavor, and you should savor it. People who get overly nostalgic for their 20's are folks who buy into the advertising mantra of youth being the best.... Which is to the advantage of people selling you things, but not to your advantage.
@ryanb92 That's awesome, but how can she workout 6 miles a day plus 2 hours of weights. That's about 4 hours of working out at least! I'd be so tired doing all that!
@ryanb92 I'm actually suprised at how smooth her skin still is. I would have thought there would be more a more wrinkled appearance. There's a bit in the back but for 71 that's nothing. I love stuff like this because often from older people who stop exercising you get "oh but you can't build muscle past a certain age" or "your body naturally loses all muscle and the metabolism slows down to a screaching halt, and theres nothing you can do!" and it's sad how many people who just start letting themselves go and then dealing with a ton of medical conditions that were preventable through proper exercise and just having muscles. Obviously you're not going to look like a 21 year old but hey there's so much you CAN do at any age.
@johannammmm Yes! I got into fitness for longevity more than aesthetics. I just don't want to feel tired, weak, and sick now or in my old age. We can enjoy our golden years with just a little preventive maintenance.