7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

@albatro55 Check out the recommend routine in the sub wiki, you'll see better results by working your entire body. If you're as out of shape as you think you are you're going to benefit from something like couch to 5k, it's a running program that should help build up your base endurance.

Lastly change takes time and progress is rarely a straight line, good luck
@albatro55 I think you should do normal pushups to your limit and nn bthen take a day off and continue the next day so basically 4 days work and 3 days no workout and it was how I got results pretty quickly but my limit was 30 and I did 30 every single day but I did not know that rest was equally important so until I got to know about it I did it like that so

Tl:dr just do the alternate day workout routine for any workout and min 30 pushups at each rep
@albatro55 I'm gonna be real with you, for someone who doesn't exercise, any amount of exercise is good. Better than no exercise for sure, but start off slow. If thats too much for you don't force yourself through it and find new exercises along the way
@albatro55 If you only do push-ups without also doing an equal amount of rows you will get muscle imbalances which can even be dangerous. I recommend starting with the minimalist routine on the sidebar. Once you get used to that and you feel like you want a bigger challenge, move to the recommended routine. If the RR is too much you can take out some, if not all the ab exercises, they are the least important in that routine (still recommend doing some though).
@albatro55 Getting in calisthenics is one of the best things I have eon for myself. I am 17, and am recomping using it. It is a good way to gain muscle and strength without having to leave home.
@albatro55 Hey man,

The mere fact that you're concerned about being a whiny bitch almost certainly means you aren't one. I know some whiny bitches and I'm nearly positive that none of them look in the mirror and ask themselves the difficult question, "Am I a whiny bitch? Am I being a whiny bitch?" None.

Just like nobody who's an asshole ever actually considers the possibility that he's an asshole It's just not in their nature.

I think you sound like a much more thoughtful, far less whiny person than I was at your age. And I still turned out fine. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Also, I strongly recommend supplementing with creatine, with the sole caveat that sometimes they tell you to take twice as much as you actually need which is marketing B.S. Creatine has virtually no side effects except for mild dehydration (if you're not careful); it helps you build strength and recover much more quickly between workouts.

As far as the fitness routing advice goes, I'm sure plenty of people have already weighed in. But you need more variety and longer breaks (2 - 3 days' rest for any given muscle group when you're starting out).

Go forth and kick some ass. Best wishes bud.
@albatro55 Hey there man sorry to hear you aren’t feeling so great about yourself.

I would recommend doing the recommended routine in the side bar. It’ll take about 1.5 hours and do it 3 times a week and you will see progress within a month. Major progress in about 6 if you stick to it well + get your diet proper.

No quicker way to get there then to put in the work unfortunately!
@albatro55 You could start with some YouTube workouts. Honestly, people like Chloe Ting (just an example) are great for people who are starting out. The workouts are super easy to follow, free, boost confidence in your fitness and help people just starting out build up endurance so that they can tackle more intense workouts. Results won't be overnight, but if you build a habit, you might actually end up enjoying it. Day won't feel complete without some form of activity. One day, you'll have the body you want and you won't have trouble maintaining it.