90 days of cardio progress


New member
My RHR and HRV graphs:
In early December, I started running again after a 1 year hiatus. I have been training for a half-marathon and have been following a plan similar to this hal higdon novice 2 where I am running about 4 days/week and doing a full-body lifting session 1 day/week.

I am a fairly slow runner and my pace does not feel like it has progressed much so it was cool to see a little improvement in my heart!
@nucity Wow, mindblowing improvement! Did you change anything else about your lifestyle? Were you inactive before you started with the plan? I'm really curious as I also would love to improve my HRV and, to a lesser extent, RHR.
@sisbygrace Thank you! Yes in 2022, I ran for 6 months to train for my first marathon and then a few days after my race, I got sick with covid so I stopped exercising completely. That recovery/sickness break turned into me being totally inactive for the 1 year prior to starting this new plan. I didn't change anything else about my lifestyle when I started it

I'm really determined to keep up with regularly running and lifting after my upcoming race so I don't lose this progress again! I set some yearly mileage goals and planned out my runs for the first couple months post-race so I'm hoping those will keep me going.

Probably not a very helpful example if you are already doing regular cardio but I wish you luck in improving your heart metrics too!
@nucity Thank you for replying! I feel your progress is remarkable in terms of numbers, you are crushing it :)

I do a lot of cardio and am getting fitter (faster, heart rate decreasing for the same effort) but HRV improvement seems to elude me. Maybe I need to get on Hal's plan lol.
@nucity Nice! Wow your heart rate variability is so much higher than mine!

I’m doing similar, end of January I started couch to 5k program and a 10 week lifting program. I’ve definitely noticed some improvement to cardio and that feels great!
@vvh86 I follow henleyfitness on Instagram and she has a 10 week program called wiggle your bits! It’s fairly repetitive but that’s been good for tracking progress. Her vids are my kind of humor and also super helpful