A calorie is not a calorie??


New member
Have any of you listened to the Huberman podcast episode with Dr. Lustig on sugar and processed foods? A lot of the more detailed biology discussion is way over my head, but I’m wondering if you all have any thoughts or personal experiences with reducing or eliminating processed foods from your diets.
@reddragon4444 If all you care about is weight loss, then a calorie is indeed a calorie. But health and longevity is more than just BMI.

II've reduced my processed food and sugar intake by 90% this year and I feel so much better--my cardio system, joints, skin and energy levels have all improved in a way that's totally separate from weight loss.
@reddragon4444 Saw a fitness influencer put it this way: A calorie is a calorie the same way a mile is a mile, it’s a unit of measurement.

But it’s a lot easier for your body to run a mile downhill than uphill. And it’s a lot easier for your body to get what it needs from some calories than others.

So to feel full, sleep well, grow muscle, and live healthier, you do want to care about where you’re getting your calories.

But to purely gain or lose energy stores (fat), a calorie is a calorie.

Edit: it’s this guy if you’re interested: https://www.instagram.com/scaseyfitness?igsh=bXlpbWR6bWU0a2Jl
@reddragon4444 Calories are calories but there are tons of variables in how your body processes the calories, individual differences in basal metabolic rate, and how it burns calories through NEAT. It’s definitely individual and complicated. That said, there isn’t a difference with calories in a food whether it is processed or not.

What is true is that processed foods often are lacking fiber, are calorie dense with both carbs and oils, and are designed to be hyper-palatable making you want to eat more. I personally eat mostly whole food based and when I’m in a bulk it becomes hard to eat enough food to hit my calorie target. To hit my target I often need to add some processed calorie dense foods.

Also reducing overly processed foods has benefits beyond calories, especially if you eat a variety of foods including a lot fruits and vegetables.

Basically think of eating more whole food based as eating nutrient dense rather than calorie dense.

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