Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

@debate507 It’s not that your metabolism is ruined, it’s that a smaller mass burns less calories to maintain. A tall man who weighs 200 lbs needs more calories to maintain his current mass + have his organs function.

So yeah basically, the smaller you are, the least you burn at rest, just like a child needs less food to exist than an adult.

Anyway 10 lbs probably wouldn’t mean a 500 calorie decrease in your TDEE, it’s not that drastic.
@butterfly2222 I am so glad you clarified. So many people think their metabolism is not working properly because it goes down after weight loss. The analogy I like to use is a gas tank. If you have an suv with 16 gallons and downsize to a mini with 13 gallons, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the smaller car, it just has a smaller tank.
@inneed87 That is a good analogy! And technically the mini is more fuel efficient, therefore better. Ok I know most people actually want to eat more food but you can see it in a way like… you get less fatigued going on a hike because you have less weight to carry.
@debate507 Work with a sports dietitian who can help you recomp and lose weight sustainably so that you aren't forever cutting down to nothing. Taking diet breaks to build muscle help a lot. I find the generic tdee calculators to be pretty useless as it's a general algorithm and our short bodies can vary wildly.

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