A message about scaling. I’m sharing this with my clients tomorrow, and I figured I’d post it here first

To understand the magnitude and importance of scaling, we first need to establish our reason for WHY we train in the first place.

For the vast majority of us, the reason we work out is to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Some side effects of goals like this are— getting stronger, looking better, feeling better, moving better, mental clarity, self-confidence, and an array of other benefits.

So what does this have to do with scaling?

When we scale a workout, we’re making an educated decision that benefits us in the long haul. You may have heard me say this before, but fitness isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. We have our whole lives to get fit.

Just because you CAN RX a workout, doesn’t mean that you should.

Read that again. It’s important.

Even as a coach, I scale at least 75% of all workouts that I do. That’s not because I can’t RX workouts— it’s because it’s the wise thing to do.

Let me explain—

Every workout has something that is called, “intended stimulus.”

Any good workout program will have rhyme and reason. Rhyme and reason is another term for intended stimulus. It’s the “why” behind everything that we do.

Here’s an example.

Let’s take a work out that I just made up.

3 rounds of...

5 deadlifts at 315

3 ring muscle ups

1 clean and jerk at 155

On paper, I can do this work out. I can deadlift 315 lbs. I have ring muscle ups in my arsenal. I clean and jerk 155 during my strength sessions.

By all counts, I should be able to RX this workout.

But I wouldn’t. And this is why—

The intended stimulus of a workout like this to sprint. To hustle. It’s a quick, short, explosive workout. It’s the exact opposite of Murph.

This workout SHOULD take someone less than 5 minutes.

Knowing my physical limitations though, I know that this workout would take me closer to 10 minutes. It wouldn’t be a sprint for me. It would be a strength session.

This defeats the purpose of the entire workout. I was supposed to sprint through it, when in reality I took long pauses in between movements, and waited until I was fully capable of doing all the movements.

So, what should I have done to alleviate this issue?

I should have scaled appropriately.

Appropriate scaling is different for everyone. For me, for this workout, it would look something like—

3 rounds of

5 deadlifts at 275

3 ring muscle ups

1 clean and jerk at 135

With these new numbers that I’ve selected for myself, I can now efficiently retain the stimulus that the workout was trying to give me. I can sprint with these numbers, and I can complete this workout in under 5 minutes, which is exactly how this workout was written.

Sure, I could have completed the workout in 15 minutes. But there is a time a place for a 15-minute strength session— it just isn’t in THAT specific workout.

Next, we’ll talk about HOW to scale a workout accordingly.

Let’s use the imaginary workout from earlier—


3 rounds of

5 Deadlifts at 315

3 Ring muscle ups

1 Clean and Jerk at 155

There are 3 major ways to scale any workout.

You can either scale...
A) The total number of reps.
B) The movements in the workout.
C) The loading of the weights.

Using any combination of those 3 scales, you can build your workout to cater to your strengths and weaknesses, in order to hit the intended stimulus of the workout. There are an infinite number of options for you to choose from to make this work for you.

In scale A, we would possibly knock off a round in order to get the rep count lower.

But with this example of a workout, that wouldn’t necessarily be a wise scaling decision, because the workout is a short sprint as it already is. This is why it is important to understand the stimulus of the workout. With this understanding, we can make the wisest decision possible. If this were a workout more similar to Murph (a 30+ minute workout with a lot of reps), this would be a viable option. But for this workout, we can find better scaling options. Such as examples B and C.

With scale B, we’d explore other movement options.

Maybe you have muscle ups and deadlifts, but you don’t have clean and jerks.

If that’s the case, we’d find an appropriate scale to give you the proper intended stimulus of the clean and jerk. Think of something along the lines of a medball clean and jerk, a hang clean and jerk, or something similar.

Finally, we have scale option C.

With the workout above, maybe the deadlift is too heavy, but the weight for everything else is totally okay.

If that’s the case, you’d change the deadlift weight and nothing else. You’d move the weight to something that you could manage for 5 unbroken reps, at a quick pace, whatever that weight is for you.

Intended stimulus is the name of the game. Next time you’re in class, if you’re unsure on the intended stimulus, ask your coach. Ask how long this should take. Ask for help on scaling. That’s what we’re here for.
We understand that it’s exciting to have the RX tag by your name on SugarWOD, but let’s be candid for a moment.

We don’t do this for SugarWOD. This is bigger than our score on an app. We do this for ourselves. To make ourselves better. To grow. To increase the quality of our lives.

And guess what?

Scaling appropriately will get you to the RX level quicker than RX’ing too early. I promise, and I mean that with every fiber in my being.

Performing high quality movements with relative intensity is how you progress.

Not moving daintily with low quality movements. This is a recipe for injury, burnout, and let down. It’s an avoidable issue.

It isn’t the beginner that is concerned about scaling. Beginners generally understand their limitations. It’s people like me that need to be mindful of scaling. Those of us that have been going for years. I often times think I should RX a workout, just because it’s in the realm of my possibilities.

None of us are going to the CrossFit games in 2020. It’s time for us to train in accordance to our particular goals. Not the goals of Tia Claire Toomey or Mat Fraser.

My challenge for you guys this week is to leave your ego at the door. Embrace a scaled option if you’re unsure.

Train smart. Train responsibly. Train for the long haul.
@expressforsuccess I like it!

I've been training Cf for close to 15 years now and if there were two things I could do differently from the start that would have made me a fitter and healthier person in general, it would be; 1. Scale workouts way more often if not always and 2. Don't think I need to collapse on the floor/feel like puking after every workout.

I think this gets at both of those things.

If we want Cf to be a long term, sustainable training program, we really need to shift away from the RX or GTFO and feel like death every day mentality.
@research49 In our Box it is called tailored and I find that choice of words very suiting!

I am only doing CrossFit for a year now for 4 times a week and I often struggle with the idea of scaling my workouts, since it often feels like taking a step back. It is really hard for me to leave the box with the feeling of 'I haven't left it all on the floor'..

Any advice how to combat that mindset?
@easternorthodox I think the best way to combat that mindset is knowledge.

Basically (there is way more to it than this), you can only stress your body so much in a given time period. The higher the intensity, the more stress you put yourself under. So, by reducing intensity at times (not all the time, high intensity is great in appropriate amounts), you can increase your volume of training without increasing your recovery time.

Additionally, training at lower intensities is also much better for training certain energy systems such as aerobic. By being more efficient at using lower intensity energy systems, you will ultimately help yourself in WODs because you will recover much more quickly in between sets/movements, etc.
@easternorthodox View it as training your fitness. You aren’t in a competition. You are training your abilities. The smartest way to train is to take a step back. Be disciplined in every aspect of your training.
I should clarify that I am also not RX ing most of my workouts! We have multiple levels to every workout to make it easier for people to scale their workouts accordingly.

It's "fitness" , "performance" and "RX" and if fitness Ist to hard you can scale it further.
@research49 Same. At my box we are doing a "no measure December" where we will not have a leaderboard on wodify for the whole month. The idea is to teach people to scale and meet the intended stimulus vs just being able to click RX
@expressforsuccess I recently had this epiphany myself. I’ve been inappropriately RXing workouts, and sometimes missing the intended purpose of the workout because I insisted on RX when I should have scaled. So I made a deal with myself to only pick one wod a week to RX and scale the rest of my wods for that week. I’m strong, but slow. So I need to get faster, and I think scaling is gonna get me there more quickly than struggle bussing my way through RX.
@godsgirlxox Does your gym post the week's workouts in advance?

The reason I ask is that this seems like a fun approach to taking classes each week. I would actually love to do something like this but I don't have visibility on class workouts.

How do you pick the class that you Rx?
@ianamol They do not post them in advance, so I have to take it day by day which does indeed make planning hard. Mostly, I just check Wodify before I leave, and if it’s something with elements I excel at anyway, I RX it. Then that one workout is done for that week and I know i’m scaling the rest. If I don’t find one I can RX properly for that week, then I don’t do it. I pick based on what I think I can realistically RX and keep the intent of the workout intact. Last week, my RX workout was overhead squats, rowing, and burpees. I’m a good rower and overhead squatter, so I knew that was a good one for me.
@expressforsuccess When I first started doing CrossFit about 2 years ago, I used to beat myself up that I couldn’t RX things. WODs became let downs, periods of beating myself up, etc. it wasn’t until I realized/pulled my head out of my ass that I will never make it to the Games (or even come close to it), or be as fit as some of the other ladies at the gym, and that’s OK! I celebrate small accomplishments and nights when I can RX the weight but scale the gymnastics without dying makes me super stoked.

The hardest part about scaling is checking the ego, and I appreciate you breaking it down like this a well. I’m here for a workout, not a struggle bus of 10 minutes of S2OHs at a weight I can’t safely challenge myself with, all in the name of an ego I can’t check.
The hardest part about scaling is checking the ego

Absolutely. Being only ~3 months in to CF I've had to scale down to at least the female RX weight (I'm a guy) or lower in every workout. And sometimes it feels rough when you don't even have full size plates on the bar for a snatch. I'm glad I read this post though - trying to end myself during every session is probably the reason why I feel so beat up all the time!