A storm in a teacup


New member
Don't want to be rude, but some of you guys really worry about stuff that really are not that big of a deal. Really. "I train 5x a week, but I have to travel one day in the week to a super important business meeting, and unfortunatelly my hotel doesn't have a gym and I would have to skip an ENTIRE TRAINING DAY for this hobby of mine." Like, you do realize that you can break a week of training, mix together two days into one, even skip a week or so for fudge sake, it doesn't matter, you will not shrink, it's only a day in a week.

Just saw a post about a guy that wanted to know if it's plausable to do legs before upper in a ULUL split, since he will have to do mountain stuff and thinks that doing LULU would be better for that specific occasion. Again, don't want to be rude to the guy, it doesn't matter. The only reason that people do ULUL is that the first workout after the rest day is the one that you have the most energy, and is the "priority". But, then again, it's only for a week, hell, do it for a month, you will not see a difference in energy because it's still only 2 straight days of working out. In a year, it might matter, since leg workouts generally have some lower back action, and that might reduce *a bit* of intensity in the upper day, so doing it after the upper day would be smart. But it's only a week, dude. It's fine. It's not even your work.

Another example. You go to your grandma's house, and she made a delicious but not healthy at all dessert. Will you not eat it because "my macros" or whatever bullshit reason you think you have? It's your grandma, you are going to visit her in a month or so (maybe even less), she made it with such care, thinking that people will love it (and, granted, you know it tastes good). Chill a bit, forget your hobby for an instant, think about other aspects of life, try to enjoy other things in life, appreciate others.

Sorry for the rant. But sometimes you gotta improvise, break the diet, sleep a bit less. Just don't make it a consistent problem, try to not overdo it, and it will be fine in the long run.
@kate930 The problem is this sub is 90% beginners at this point. I come here for intermediate to advanced hypertrophy-focused training and diet discussion, but the vast majority of posts are beginners asking questions that fit perfectly into the daily stickied thread here and on r/fitness. I’m not aware of any better subreddits for what I’m looking for though, since most of Reddit leans toward powerlifting goals.
@dawn16 The thing is that I don't think you really "need" a forum for advanced lifters. We all know that mastering the basics is 90% of the results and the rest is the sprinkles on top that matter very little for hobbyists like us.

If this sub was about competitive natural bodybuilding maybe it would a be different thing.
@dawn16 I think you're underestimating it at 90%. People see natural bodybuilding as beginner bodybuilding, like you graduate to being enhanced. That's the only way I can rationalize the absolutely asinine questions that pop up.
@lineman The people most likely to want to train drug free are beginners, and any of the other bb subreddits basically assume you’re gassed up.

I haven’t been on /fitness in years, but back in the day they gave dogshit advice for hypertrophy questions
@xcountryrunner33 I don’t think I’ll ever enhance myself but I am actually a competing bodybuilder and this thread has been getting annoying with the same questions about breaking diet and basic things. Definitely wish there was a thread for actual competitors that are natural
@lineman Most of the content you see in online lifting spaces is from beginners because intermediate to advanced individuals don’t need to ask so many questions or worry themselves to death over minor details. It’s a sort of selection effect. I’d bet it has nothing to do with this being natural bodybuilding, but I’d also bet the name of this sub does attract a certain type of person.
@mackman55 It’s ironic that the longer you lift the more you realize any method, when does with reasonable sense, consistency, and following a few basic principles, brings in results.
@kate930 Welcome to the circle of life in this sub. Some version of this rant gets posted about once a month. It’s always correct, but that’s just been the nature of the sub. Hopefully, the new mod changes will be limiting that.